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Lol yea I won. There is a company called and they gave away a few bands. My Dr. Rumbault was actually trained in the United States & is a very well known surgeon. Belighter is in a different state than me & it was up to me to learn what I needed to know. Life wasn't really allowing me to do that but thank God I haven't had any problems with it. Tomorrow I go for testing & im getting started on this.
Many revise to a VSG or a RNY. Use the search function...there have been 100s of posts about this topic over the last 10 years.
I just had my first fill since 2014. I lost about 35pounds but then my port was difficult to fill. Dr. could never get more than 1cc in my band after ma y tries I gave up trying to get fills. On Friday I decided to try again this time the Dr. Did the fill under fluoroscopy he had a difficult time getting it to fill but once he did he got 3cc in my band. So now I start my mission again ! Thinking happy thoughts but definitely feeling challenged! I never thought to start the prop diet over. Great idea! I feel some restriction @ 3cc. Good luck and keep me posted on how it's going!
You have accomplished a lot you should be very proudl. Your band did not make you lose weight it simply helped you. Keep up your good habits & you will be fine. I find a good tool is always using a small plate for meals. The size of the plate is a reminder that I have to limit how much I eat at each meal. Good luck with everything.
Such an inspiring post to getting back on track. Congratz on your success!

Banded June 2009- Allergan 10mL AP-S
Revised to Sleeve in September 2016
See it can be done. I think I will follow your lead to lose this 10lbs and get to 120. I'm 7 years out
You can lose those 40 of this I know. My suggestion is to up your good food intake, decrease the bad and up your exercise.
Agree with others that you have to watch what you eat. Unfortunately many doctors sold the fantasy that the band is an easy fix, you can eat "normally", just less and the weight will just come off. Well that works for a while but if you haven't made changes to your diet it will come back on. It is because your body will fight you to get back to its set lower calories, it lowers metabolism. Dr Matthew weiner has some good videos on this on YouTube. ANd suggests foods that help reset the body's thermostat. What you eat is very much as important as how much, maybe more.
You need to run, and not walk, to the best surgical provider in your area ASAP and get their opinion. I am so sorry this happened, however getting hip surgery implies you have insurance.
I would suggest a large university medical center, as they often have some of the best surgeons in the country, as well as bariatrician. They will be able to provide the advice and support you need. Do not wait another day - call immediately.