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I had my lap band done by Dr Brown in Cañon City, Colorado in September of 2008. At that time I was 359lbs. I lost over 100lbs the 1st year and to date 150 lbs and have kept it off. My only problem I ever have is if I eat to quickly or to big a bite and it sticks! I have never had to have a refill and have maintained my weight easily at 205lbs .. would do. again... Ed
Last year I went to True Results and paid $5,000 for a gastric sleeve. It was performed by Dr. Amanda Parker at Memorial Hermann southeast Houston on July 26th, 2016. Two days later, I was sent home in horrible condition, could not keep anything down or in.
A day later I went to an emergency room at Clear Lake hospital. They kept me for 5 hours and sent me home.
Two days later, after no sleep and still not able to keep anything down, in or consume anything, I was back in the emergency room and stayed at Bay Area Regional Medical Center in Webster, Texas. I lost almost 40 pounds in less than 3 weeks while they were trying to find out what was wrong. After having to open me up, they found that Dr. Parker had sewn my stomach to my colon and it was causing obstruction. I finally left that hospital on August 12, 2016! Now, after over $300,000 being paid by BCBSTX and myself, and six months later, I am still trying to heal.
I called an attorney and they said they wouldn't take any case under a million dollars. I almost lost my life and was so ill for so long for a simple procedure that I thought would help make me feel better! I thought I would only spend $5,000 and now have spent so much more. I would think, BCBSTX would be questioning what the first doctor did to cause such a horrible thing to happen to a patient and such extensive costs. Yes, I lost 50 pounds now, but that was not the way I wanted to do that nor what it cost me, both financially and health-wise.. Do you plan to do anything about this? Can we
We're excited to share some updates that we've been working on! Many of the updates we're implementing are to help address some of the issues that have been reported to us about mobile experience. Please check out the images below for a few site changes that will be heading your way very soon. We anticipate launching these updates Tuesday evening. If you run into any issues after we launch, please let us know by filling out this form.
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Hi Butterfly.
Very inspiring post. I'm so proud of your efforts and success.
I'm also a 2009 baby that recently focused on getting it together. I regained when I put life in the way of my mindfulness and by the time I checked I was 60# up!. I recently attended a 7-week cognitive behavior program that was excellent. It taught hoe to kill the ANTs in our life. ANTs= Automatic Negative Thoughts. I was hesitant to take the class because I think folks prey on our community and sell us pipe dreams and snake oil. It was an excellent investment, I'm so glad I went. I highly recommend something similar in your area. I'm down 50# of the 60# regain.
Thanks for the GREAT quote, ..if we forget to keep working at being different...
Proud of you, keep pressing forward.
It's fine to still take the oxy once a day; I think it took me 1.5 weeks before I was done with oxy. (band removal -> bypass on the same surgery, but it was the surgical drain and the port site that hurt).
Healing takes time -- it's only been a week. I'm just past 3 weeks out and still have a bit of pain at my former port site. (I'm 47)
I gave up taking Tylenol since it didn't seem to really help, and can't have nsaids. Just waiting for things to heal up. Hang in there, it'll improve.

Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017
I had my 10 year old band removed on Friday for an upcoming sleeve in May. The surgeon told my parents there was a lot of scar tissue but nothing else wrong. When i had the band inserted, the pain from the port was pretty intense. Now with removal, the laproscopic site next to the port is giving me a lot of pain that feels like pinching...especially worse when getting up in the morning. Anyone experience that and for how long? Anything help it?
I've been walking a lot and went back to work yesterday where I have pretty much a desk job. I find that I feel a lot better walking or lying down. How long did you take pain meds? I'm trying to take just ibuprofen but still needing an oxy once a day. Not sure if i'm overdoing it or just not healing quick enough. Surgery in your early 30s versus 44 seems a bit different!
on 2/22/17 3:43 pm
I'm 10 years out, and just started the liquid diet again. I've only gained back 20 lbs. in all those years, but that could be just the beginning if I don't stop it in it's tracks. The band isn't for everyone, but it was the answer for me.
I'm so glad things worked out for the best for you. You've given such great advice here.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI