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So my first step would be would be to get back to your doc. I STILL go once a year no matter my situation or weight...but it keeps me on track and I have someone to answer to. I have NO IDEA why you are still having 'push back' or 'bounce back' when eating. It happens to me...but I know EXACTLY what causes it...STRESS is the biggest culprit. Also not chewing properly and the obvious...eating too much. The band will never teach us how to eat or what to eat...we have to do that...YOU NEED A FILL! Even if it is just 1-2 cc's, but at least it is a start..THEN you need to start from the beginning...go back to drinking protein shakes for 48 hours..then to yogurts, jello etc...then onto soft mushies. I know it has been 6 years...but I am sure you remember what we had to do when the band was first placed. I don't know about you...but I worked SO HARD to get this band...I spent HOURS on the phone with the insurance company, SO MANY doc appts, I had to go on a 6 month diet before my insurance co would even consider it, a phyc consult, meeting with nutritionists and of course meeting with personal trainers. I did a GREAT DEAL of research as well....will all that said...I am not going to let that time go to waste and neither should you. So...MAKE THAT APPOINTMENT...see your bariatric doc and lets start all over.
I am very sorry for your ioss and totally understand how easy it must have been for you to turn to comfort foods.
The first thing to do is get the right fill level. If things are getting stuck, it doesn't sound as if that is a problem, it sounds as if you have restriction but are eating carelessly.
So, my suggestions:-
Remember how to eat! You shouidnt be getting stuck. Small bites, well-chewed, pause between mouthfuls to allow that food to o go past the band; never let it back-up above the band.
Remind yourself of portion sizes, measure for a few days to check.
Make eating formal. Plan, sit down with a knife and fork. Not casual eating.
Start every meal with dense protein, then crunchy (not over-cooked) veggies, then carbs if room.
Once you gave eaten the right amount, walk away.
if you are hungry, be busy! If you are still hungry, eat something which can be incorporated in your daily intake. Try to do that formally as well - make it an occasion not just a grab and eat.
Do it! For your boys AND for you! Best wishes
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Thank you for replying to my post :) I still have the band just no fill. I can't remember what kind of band it is as far as holding cc's. I live in RI so I understand the dilemma with going outside! Its been one heck of a winter!! I still get lonely a lot and find eating still brings comfort, but I am ready to replace that with something else! My husband died just about 3 years ago this April. Any advice you can give me will be welcomed! Im curious as to what you eat and how much per sitting and how often. I "throw up" a lot - ya know just stuff getting stuck. It is not a band problem its a Tammy problem!! I eat wrong foods (although proteins often get stuck) I have to say with this band though there is no rhyme or reason sometimes. One day you can eat a hamburger and the next day you can't eat eggs. Its weird. So this is my novel LOL :) I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi Tammy, PLEASE don't get discouraged...I HAVE been there and the only thing it does is cause anxiety and more failure. I am a little had the doc take out all the fill...did you put it back in?? When was the last time you went to see your bariatric doc?? I am so sorry for you loss...I have to say..I would not 'bounce back' well after a loss like that...even a year later...God Bless You! If you are ready...and only you will know when that time is...then your FIRST STEP is to go to your doc...start the fill process again. Last year, I got very band became swollen and my doc took out most of my fill....once I was well (and yes...I GAINED while the fill was gone) I began the 'refill' process....Once I was back to my 7cc's (in a 10cc band) AND got back out walking...the weight came off. Now...that being said...I am most successful when I am moving. I HATE the treadmill, but I walk 3-4 times a week outside. I live in Maine and it is hard to get out this time of year...but I know all this snow will melt soon and I WILL get out! I am 5'9 and am averaging 182...that is a good weight for me...I am sure I could go lower...but that is NOT the life I want to live...This is turning into a long post...if you could share some answers..please do and I will respond with what I eat when loosing weight.
I had my lapband surgery back in 2009. In 6 years Ive lost and gained the same 30lbs. Totally my fault. Totally a food addiction. I had about 4 fills and eventually had them removed. Even with just the band alone no fills, food gets suck etc. Im sure its because i eat too much. Please give me any advice, encouragement, etc. to help me get back on this journey. What do I eat? How much do I eat? I know this will always be a battle I have to face daily, but I want to be free of this! Im 100lbs overweight. Mentioned in a previous post that I lost my husband about three years ago - he was 49 died in car accident - I made friends with Ben and Jerrys and any other food that helped dull the pain, but IM doing much better now and its time to focus on getting healthy and making sure IM here for a long time for my boys! Im 51 and its time for me to JUST do it!!! Please help.
Congratulations. I was banded about 6 years ago as well. I never lost a lot = which of course is my own fault. I eventually had the doctor take out all the fill. I still struggle eating protein like chicken and lean meats. Breads forget about it. I want to try again to lose the weight. Ive been through a lot the last three years. My husband died its been a roller coaster but I think Im ready to focus on me again. Can you all please please help me and tell me what you eat or dont eat. What does an actual portion size look like for a bander. Do you eat several small meals a day? I need encouragement. Im now 51 and still 247lbs. Im starting to really feel the effects of being overweight on a 5'5'' frame. Thank you for all your information in advance!
I am loving the WW meetings! Lost 2.8 pounds my first week. Best I've done in a while. That's too bad the leader you liked so much quit. If you miss it, why not try it out again. Hopefully you will find a leader you click with. I know there are several in my area, hopefully that's the case for you. You could try out a few meetings and see what you think.
on 3/6/15 2:19 pm
Yep, I rejoined WW at about 6 weeks post op and went to goal and Lifetime.
I followed my surgeons food plan, but got a lot out of the support.
My meeting had a leader who had lost over 100 pounds and she was very inspiring. We had probably 50-75 members at every meeting, including about 15-20 'lifers'.
Unfortunately my leader quit about a year after I got to lifetime and the meeting sort of fell apart. I miss it!
Thanks everyone for all of your advice. I'm sorry I did not respond sooner but I was feeling so terrible I wasn't online. Not eating and barely drinking aggravated a chronic condition that I have. I was able to find a doctor in Florida who would see me. He took all of the fluid out of the band. That seemed to alleviate the problem. I will see him again in two weeks. If between now and then I don't have any issues we'll just stay the course and then start slowly filling the band after a month or so. If I have more issues then he will send me for a swallow test to rule out a slip.
I really liked the doctor down here. I wish I could take him home with me LOL. When I go home I am going to work on switching to another doctor in NJ. Right now I'm just so glad to be feeling better.
Thanks again,