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on 2/18/19 1:33 pm
Topic: RE: How many people are happy with the LapBand?

Hi Amy,

I can honestly say I don't regret a day of having gastric.. I failed gastric not gastric failed me. I would do it all over again. I was never sickly and yes I have heard horror stories too. I think it is the "other" health issues that cause the serious issues....I will say that I lost alot of weight and looked and felt amazing...but my head got the best of me and I took to many "just one more bites". If I had it to do all over again and I will soon I will never let my head talk me into over eating.

I hope this helps.

on 2/18/19 8:10 am
Topic: RE: How many people are happy with the LapBand?

I see that you had RNY. Is it not working for you? I have a lapband, and I am a little heavier now than when I got it in 2008. I had severe reflux for years and had to get some fill removed 3 times. I can't get any fill put back in because I still have reflux and tightening the band would only make it worse. I was considering VSG but have been informed that it, too, causes reflux. I have been thinking about RNY, but I'm terrified because my mother-in-law had it done and she died in the hospital after having the surgery. A girl with whom I went to school had RNY, and she was near death several months ago. Last I heard she is out of the hospital, so I assume she is getting better. Do you mind sharing your experience with RNY? It would be greatly appreciated!

on 2/17/19 6:14 pm
Topic: How many people are happy with the LapBand?


I am planning a revision and the Lap Band is an option. Can I get some honest feedback on the pros and cons of the band?

Thank you

on 2/14/19 6:10 pm
Topic: Price For Band Removal

I just got an email from my dr.'s office letting me know that self pay to have my band removed is going to be $19,000. That sounds like more than I paid to get the thing put in...That was back in 2008, so I don't really remember the exact amount, but I don't think it was quite that much.

Why did I get this stupid thing knowing my insurance wouldn't cover any of it? Stupid, yes, I know!

on 2/10/19 6:58 am
Topic: RE: Want Another Surgery

Hi Amy, I still have my lap band so I am not the audience you seek. I too am waiting for revision and the removal of the lap band due to severe reflux. My surgeon told me the sleeve was not something he recommends because it is also just a restrictive measure for weightloss and also will cause reflux in lots of people. He told me if I want the reflux to go away and loose weight RNY was the route to go for me.

Hope this info helps. Good luck..keep us posted on your progress

on 2/7/19 4:02 am - Miamisburg, OH
Topic: RE: It's been a while....

Hi, first I would like to say that I am sorry this happened to you. I would think that you would be able to get insurance approval for a different surgery if your insurance would cover it to begin with. For a long time my insurance would not cover any weight loss surgery but now they will cover 50%. It would be worth looking into if I were you. I have been banded since July 2007 and have only had issues with my esophagus stretching. I have maintained my weight loss of 70 lbs off of my high of 298. So as you can see, I still am a curvy woman. I wish you the best with whatever decision you make


on 2/5/19 5:34 pm
Topic: Want Another Surgery

I got Lapband surgery in 2008 and have been unsuccessful at losing weight. Today, I am 3 pounds heavier than when I got the surgery. Mainly my fault because I continued to eat junk...And lots of it. For the past five years I have had bad reflux. I don't recall ever in my life having reflux before getting the band. I've had fill taken out. Each time the reflux got better but never completely went away. I've read that the sleeve can cause reflux if you already had a problem with reflux. But what if the band is what was causing the reflux and not something else. Are you still likely to have reflux with the sleeve? I'd love to hear from folks that have had the sleeve for several years. How are you doing? I figured I'd start here....If I don't get many responses, I'll ask on the Sleeve Forum.

on 2/5/19 11:07 am
Topic: It's been a while....

Hi there! So I haven't been here in a LONG time. I had lap band surgery in Oct 2009....while it wasn't always pretty, I considered it pretty successful - until it wasn't. It slipped in January 2016 (I have no idea why - it hadn't been too tight or anything and I hadn't had an adjustment in forever...all of a sudden, I just couldn't eat or drink anything). So they had to do an emergency surgery to remove it. At the time, they never talked to me about revision or offered me any other alternatives. I was at a good weight so I figured that was why. And I was hopeful that I would be able to keep the weight off. I did...for a while. But here I am...three years later, and I'm almost right back where I started when I first got the lap band. I am now wondering if I even have any other options at this point. Do insurance companies usually cover you for a second weight loss surgery??? When I had it before I had United Health I have Blue Cross, but I'm still work at the same company, so wondering if that makes a difference and whether I would even be able to do another surgery. I've been on weigh****chers for the last year and I've managed to just stop gaining, but I'm NOT losing, so it's very frustrating. I never thought I'd be back in this position again.

on 1/31/19 11:03 am
Topic: Port revision

I was a relatively early adopter of the band and had surgery in 2003, maintained a 160 lb loss for 15 years. Thankfully I haven't had any of the horror stories I've heard that seem to be quite common over the years.

However (there's always a however, it seems), around Christmas this year I noticed I could eat signidicantly more food than I should be able to. Like, cheeseburger and fries, pasta, all the things that should be more difficult with the band. Come to find out, my surgeon thinks there's a leak in my port and I'm due for a port replacement. I've gained weight like it's my job and the emotional and psychological effects are taking their toll. Every morning it feels like I'm searching through someone else's closet trying to find something to wear because nothing fits.

My question is, has anyone out there had port revision so far out from lap band or does everyone go for the sleeve these days? Due to cost I've decided to just replace the port right now since insurance won't cover it and I don't have a cool $15k sitting around to throw at another bariatric surgery. I guess I'd just like to hear from some folks who are long term banded and still successful.

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