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Also be aware of the fact that very few surgeons still do the band because of its high failure rate of 60%. The band also causes very serious life long damages to your stomach, many of which have no cures or treatments.
It is very likely that the band has failed you, not that you have failed the band. Please make sure you have a plan if your band has to come out under emergency conditions because that is often the case.
My advice is always the same go back to basics. Weigh and measure your foods, log them and stick with hi protein/low carb eating. That should get it off in no time. Altho his reasoning seems counter productive, if he wants you to lose he should at least be willing to refill you to your original amount. You don't want to refill too fast tho either because refilling is never the same as the original fill, usually it feels like more than it is.
As Nic said the sleeve is not advised for anyone who has GERD or esophageal damage so RNY would be your best choice. I know people whop have had both revisions and have been happy with which ever one they got, simply because they were no longer in pain from their bands. I can tell you from personal experience that you don't want to mess with any esophageal damage I lost 30% of my swallowing ability and while it doesn't sound like much it really makes a difference when you want to swallow a pill. The band causes a great deal of internal damage that you don't even know you have until the band comes out then you start finding what has been ruined in your body. Good luck to you!
Hi, Brandy and everyone else. I am new to the site as well and I was banded 6 days ago on 8/31/15. I have been reading this thread and want to say, "thank you!" for the positive vibes you all are sending out. I have been researching and looking for posts about individual people's experiences. Most of them very negative and discouraging. Not good when one is looking for support and encouragement from these sites and forums. There are some that posted that had their issues but did not put it out there in a negative way and followed it up with words of encouragement. Again, thank you!
Do you have any issues with reflux, Mike? If so, the sleeve might not be the best option for you. In order for you to not have worsening reflux, the sleeve would most likely have to be made larger, which impedes weight loss. A smaller sized sleeve would cause the reflux to get worse usually. However, if you have the Duodenal Switch, the sleeve portion can be made slightly larger, cutting down the risk of reflux and you'd have the malabsorption component. It's a more involved procedure, though, and you'd need to find a surgeon who was very experienced in that type of revision because of the complications you've had with the band. Chances are there is some damage in the form of adhesions and scar tissue.
Good luck to you. Hope it all goes well. I don't know if you've visited the Revisions forum or not, but there are a large number of people who have revised from the band to other forms of WLS. Maybe reading about their experiences might help you, as well.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I am 8 weeks out from a band to sleeve revision with hernia repair, all done in the same surgery! I also had a slip and esophageal dilation six years out.
Best thing that could have happened, the sleeve is everything the band was supposed to be in my opinion!! I am sure it will only get better, my loss is slower than others but I didn't have as much to lose, I am down 23 pounds though so I'm not complaining!
I just feel "normal" no fluids pooling, no stuck food, no loud gurgling, eventually I will be able to swallow pills the list goes on! So far all foods i've tried are ok.
So glad to have that ticking time bomb out of me!!! Good luck, keep us possted and come over to the sleeve forum also for more information.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost! Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15
LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15
on 9/6/15 12:55 pm
Hi Mike, best of luck with whatever comes from this for you.
This is isn't exactly what you asked, but I thought I'd chime in to tell you that I had my band removed 7 weeks ago, but opted for the RNY, instead of the sleeve for the following reasons:
1.) The revision can be done in one operation rather than two (one to remove...healing time...then sleeve)
2.) The sleeve is notorious for causing GERD, and after 6 years of suffering from it because of my band, I had no interest in having that be a side effect.
3.) I know that all signs point to the sleeve being just as safe and effective as the bypass, but it is new. And I chose the last "new" surgery (lap-band) without all the long term studies and information that would have helped me avoid 6 years of pain and suffering.
Great job with your initial weightloss!! Whatever surgery you choose will definitely be successful :)
I'm starting my first challenge tomorrow on . Please join me if you are interested in taking this weight loss journey with me. I'm struggling with keeping this thing going and I know others out there are too. There is no money involved or prizes, just support and fun. There won't be ads to buy or join things either.
I have not checked into this forum in years but thought I would come back to get some/any feedback. I have been banded and lost 90lbs..I had been down 130 but have gained 40 back over the years.
i have had every band problem...slips, dilation, hernia, port flips....multiple times. So for the last time my esophogas is again dilated and I have a slip. I am meeting with the surgeon on Tuesday and I am being unfilled and I know the conversation will turn to removal and revise to the sleeve. What have others experienced when revising to a sleeve?
I have no regrets being banded...even with all the struggles it helped me gain control of my life.
Thank you for the tips. I am working on getting back in the swing of things, so I will need to do all of those things. Its good to hear that success happens.