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My understanding is that the pressure comes from the band or sleeve pushing food up while the esophagus is trying to push the food down. So there is this constant pressure battle going on when your esophagus is trying to get the food down into the stomach the pressure of having something around the stomach or the smaller stomach with.
After awhile you lose motility because the esophagus muscles just get worn out and can't push any more. I've lost quite a bit of mine also and still have problems with it even tho my band has been out for almost 2 yrs! Once it is gone, it is gone for good.
With the RNY it uses gravity to get the food down so that is really the only option once the esophagus has been damaged. Even if you don't want it, it may not be an option to just leave it. You may have to get RNY just to eat anything. There may be no other choice, from what I understand the RNY may be needed just to be able to eat. I could be wrong but that is how I have seen it put to others who have had issues with swallowing.
I know one gal who had to have her stomach completely removed and her esophagus attaches directly to her intestines. She has a horrible time eating and dumps on almost everything. Maybe someone else can give you a more scientific explanation but I don't know of any studies personally.
Sorry Karen!
I need to say this to you so that it is out there. If your esophagus continues not to work well, a sleeve will be a poor choice for you as it is considered high pressured as well. I really did not want to say that but better I do than you maybe suffering later. It seems you tolerated and waited oh so very long before taking action. Not cool. Our bodies are forgiving though . . . sometimes. It's the roll of the dice, hand of the deck kind of luck.
Layla you mind if I ask exactly about the "high pressure"? What does it really mean? Like I've said, I've heard it mentioned but never asked what it means. I wanted to talk to my doctor about it.
When I am too full or too tight, most of the pain I have experienced was in the center of my chest, but I can see where it would cause pain in the back as well. If you are having pain like that from only a few sips of liquid, you are WAY too tight.
In my experience, a fill will loosen up a little bit after the initial stomach irritation. However, if you cannot even drink a cup of coffee or eat a popsicle, it will not loosen up that much. I would advise having some of that fill removed. Especially with it being Friday, don't suffer over the weekend with a fill that is too tight. I hope you feel better!
I just got a fill this morning and had a few sips of coffee after... No problems but full after. Had a bite of Popsicle and started feeling a really uncomfortable feeling in my back. Kinda burped up the Popsicle. Then a bite of soup broth brought the same pain. When the band is this tight, does it tend to loosen up after a few days bc I know it is a little traumatic of the stoma. Anyone else feel the back discomfort when tight
I am so glad you are doing well, Naomi! :)
Curious...I've been trying to find anything that says the sleeve is high pressure surgery. Is there anything published anyone could share? I'm just curious. I don't know if I'm not searching using the right wording but haven't had any luck.
Hi Layla, Thanks...I have heard that too about the sleeve. I guess at this point I will wait to hear what the diagnosis is and take it from there. I honestly don't want the RNY! If I can't do the sleeve I probably will go it alone and that scares me to death. I don't think I can do it alone. But we'll see! I'll keep you posted.
Sorry Karen!
I need to say this to you so that it is out there. If your esophagus continues not to work well, a sleeve will be a poor choice for you as it is considered high pressured as well. I really did not want to say that but better I do than you maybe suffering later. It seems you tolerated and waited oh so very long before taking action. Not cool. Our bodies are forgiving though . . . sometimes. It's the roll of the dice, hand of the deck kind of luck.
I guess this answers my question as to how you're doing. I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling so bad. I hope your doc can help you get insurance approval soon. You really need that band out.
Good luck.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI