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i am at a loss right now. I had my surgery march 2008. 3 weeks ago i went out drinking with friends had a little too much and spent half the night vomiting and literally over night my band restriction completely ceased. Its been 3 weeks now i thought i messed something up went to lap band dr right away said there was nothing wrong with it. Meanwhile im eating double cheese burgers and fries with a large coke like a champ. I have this insaciable hunger and ive gained 20 pounds in 25 days. Im so worried because i cant stop eating im going to gain evetything back and the dr cant help me.
I don't know but when I am sick I seem to be more hungry and this goes against the common population. The last time I was sick with a cold (A little different than you) but I had a huge appetite. I just broke my meals up into 5 smaller it seemed that I was able to eat more often. If I did give in and snack I would have low calorie snack one of my favorites is freezing fat free pudding...tastes like a pudding yummy.
As for a slip. From what I hear there are a lot of symptoms that come along with a slipped band.
Here are just a couple links describing the symptoms of a slipped band. It seems reflux, not being able to tolerate food, pain and pressure all seem to be a reoccurring theme. But as anyone here will tell you if you ever have any worries just make a call to your doctor's office. That is what they are there for. you-know.html
You can use the search feature on this site. I'm sure you will be able to find copious amounts of threads about the band and the sleeve. If you go back a few pages on the Lap Band board, you'll find a number of threads that might help you with your decision, as well.
Good luck with your decision. Hope all goes well.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 11/2/15 11:54 am
Hi Everyone!
I am new to the site and was wondering if I could get some advice. I am considering having the lap band or having the sleeve. I haven't made up my mind yet, I need to hear the good the bad and the ugly! I cant make up my mind because I have heard a lot of mixed reactions (results). Any advice or info that might help is welcomed
Anxious and Confused
Thank you - I am praying that I don't have permanant damage from this - what sort do you have? Do you feel better without it? And...did you revise to something else?
I'd love to hear your story!
Thank you,
Oh I understand all too well also the band has wrecked so many lives!! I finally had to just decide my life and sanity were most important and I had to just buckle down and do it before the pain drove me insane! That was almost 2 yrs ago and I still have permanent damage from it. There are several failed lap band groups on the internet that you might find helpful too.
There really is no option the band HAS to be removed. It really can kill you!!! I know at least 3 women who were hours away from death just from their band so you have to put your health and life first and get it out no matter what it takes. This is serious stuff. Try different doctors or hospitals to see if they will help, you have to just try every possible way to get it out before the damage is permanent. I have permanent damage from mine and I'll never be able to eat like normal. I have to eat really small meals all day long and every time I eat it hurts for several hours so I am in pain all day long! Just do whatever it takes you are worth it!
I hope you did indeed get into the ER because I know several people who within hours of death because of their bands! Had they not gone to the ER they would have died and no one should have to pay that price for the damn lap band!!
Hi there Kazzy I remember you too, I'm a different Karen but I'll throw in what I know about the situation. As far as whether they can do it all in one surgery, it is possible but is basically up to the surgeon. They are finding however that it seems to work better to do it in 2 surgeries so that the stomach can heal from the removal and then do the revision after all the swelling goes down.
However as long as the band hasn't done too much damage it is possible to go ahead and do it all in one surgery. So basically you have to find a surgeon who is willing to do it all in one surgery. Just be prepared that it may make recovery a little longer and rougher.
Even if you can't get a revision i would suggest getting it out. I had mine as put in in 2007 also and I have horrible problems from it I have heartburn something horrible and I have gastroparesis or slow stomach digestion which is terribly painful and requires me to eat very small meals all day long and causes a great deal of gas and stomach pain. So to avoid future problems I would really advise you are anyone who has had their band more than a couple of years to get it out ASAP. Best of luck to you!!
No I wasn't able to revise for several reasons, one my insurance didn't cover it (I had to pay for removal but just the surgeon and anesthesiologist). Also I have COPD and am now in oxygen so no one wants to chance doing any surgery on me now. However the good Lord gave me an over active thyroid and I lost all the rest that I needed to since then. Now I'm looking into figuring out why the thyroid went overactive. So if I can just keep this off I'll be perfectly happy, I'll be sticking with Atkins eating and hope that will do the trick.
If it weren't for those obstacles tho I would definately go with the sleeve, I know lots of people that have had it and for the most part they are all very happy with it and say that it is like what we were told the band would be but it wasn't for so many of us. I do have a lot of GERD tho so might have to have a RNY if that were the situation I wouldn't be opposed to that either, but since no one will touch me with a scalpel I don't have to make a choice! lol
I think with any of the other surgeries (excluding the band) it is far more about what and how much you eat than anything else. The people I know who are super successful and have kept their weight off long term eat low carb/hi protein/moderate fat and that keeps them on track with a few occasional splurges for very special times.