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I have been on these boards for over 10 yrs and have read a great deal both pro and con but the farther out you get the more the problems crop up. Nearly everyone I know here and on several other forums have had to have theirs removed for a variety of reasons. I recently read a current report on what types of surgery are being done and in the whole bariatric surgery world only 6% were bands the rest were mostly RNY and sleeves with a few DS. So that is an amazingly small amount of surgeons willing to do the band.
I wouldn't wish a band on satan himself! It is just a horrendous torture device that doesn't even work for 60% of those who get one. I and hundreds more have permanent damage from the band it damages how your stomach processes food. That can't be fixed and it makes it very uncomfortable every time you eat. Just save yourself all the pain and get a sleeve. I wish I had done that in the first place but now my general health has gotten so bad no one will operate on me so I have not choices as far as weight loss, it is back to careful eating.
I wish you luck and I advise you to run far away from either the band or the plication. From what I have read that is even more damaging than the band. It is experimental and hasn't been done long enough to have anything to research. After my experience with the band I would never again be a guinea pig for any procedure.
on 11/14/15 8:10 pm
I am almost 4 months post op and very happy with how I am doing. The weight doesn't fall off it, comes off slowly and consistently. Had some scale issues and ended up with a new one that may not read quite the same but I am 40-45 pounds down from when I started the LS diet before surgery. Seem to averaging 2 pounds a week off since surgery but I have had the usual stalls. Thanks for asking.
They may be looking to see if it is Barretts esophagus which is a precancerous condition that many of the banded people have had. It is not cancer but can turn into cancer if not treated. It can be caused from the band itself. As far as them not finding anything wrong with the band that isn't surprising because they rarely can. What happens is scar tissue grows between the band and the stomach and that can not be seen by any tests. This causes heart burn and GERD but isn't visible no matter what the test. So yes you really need to get that band out as soon as possible. Best of luck to you!
Hi there I remember you too from the old days!! I'm so sorry you have had to join us who have had to have a removal but yo\u are with a good crowd most everyone I know who had a band has had to have it removed. Have you asked them what they mean by revision? They may be looking at it that there is so much damage that by repairing it they would be doing a revision. I know several people who have ended up with a sleeve simply because they had to remove that much of the stomach to repair the damage done by the band.
To be very honest with you the vast majority of people end up having to have a revision because even with their new way of eating they still end up gaining weight. So within a few months of removal they end up going back in for revision because they are unable to keep their weight down without some type of tool to help them.
Like the above folks have said they can't do a revision without your approval so you just have to put your foot down and insist on it. If when it comes time to sign for the surgery it says revision you can always refuse to sign it until the wording is changed. There is also no reason to have an open surgery, they should be able to repair it laproscipically. You are just going to have to let them know who is boss! I wish you the best and I agree Dr. K is your best bet in CA but he is in the San Francisco area. There must be some good docs in SoCal too I would think. Good luck to you!!!
I was on the O.R. table for a VS plication when I had my Lap band removed. I got my surgeon called in. We spoke on the OR phone and i said just remove the band and dont do the plication. I got the sleeve gastrectomy 6 months later.
How far post op are you and how are you doing.?
Back in 2003 when I had the band done, there was literally nothing to research. The surgeon said, "It's a lifetime product. You don't need to lose enough weight to go with the 'more invasive' gastric bypass. Try the band. If it doesn't work, we'll take it out and do something else." So I trusted he knew what he was talking about. I watched a video (VHS!) of Ann Wilson from the band, Heart, telling us that the band worked miracles for her and it could work miracles for the rest of us, too. Too bad it's not quite as simple as just yanking the band out when it inevitably doesn't work. I never knew how much damage that thing could do to a body.
I agree... nothing to do with being out of control. Everything to do with believing the advertising and marketing. I thought my surgeon had my best interests at heart, but it turned out, he really wanted to start making lots of money with banding. It was a very lucrative business decision. Not so much anymore since the more upstanding medical practitioners are steering people away from the band, at least.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Also, I would like to respond about "being out of control of your own decisions". I jokingly refer to it as "drinking the kool-aid"....I consider myself somewhat intelligent, but the MARKETING greatly influenced my I am sure it did others. Allergan is a powerhouse.....a marketing giant.... ie, BOTOX!!!!! I guess you may consider it pathetic... I consider it false advertising.
OH...Wow. I am not familiar with that. I will say a prayer that all is well. As far as the band goes, I dont blame you one bit!!!!! I was so happy when my band was gone!!!!!! It almost destroyed me. I can not wait for my sleeve revision in December. I feel it will be life changing. Please keep me posted. I am not always on this board, so I would love for you to send me a message letting me know how it goes.
on 11/13/15 6:24 pm
I know ir is not a much talked about choice but I had gastric plication. It is not terribly common here but it has been very popular in europe for years and results reported from there are far more positive than those you see here. I didn't want a foreign object in me and didn't feel much like having them remove a chunk of my stomach. I am happy with my choice. Weight loss is slower than most other surgeries but that is OK.. Chances of complications are lower than other surgeries. Recovery from surgery is easier. Not sure if your surgeon offers this choice but it is another option. Good luck whatever you choose.
its internal. It requires sedation and its call an EUS? Honestly I just wish they take this band out right now. I'm so scared this polyp they were talking about is cancer. I can't stand not knowing.

Lap band: 2006. Revision to RNY 9/23/2016
8/2/17: Goal Reached: 135lbs. & 115lbs lost (5'3")
Pre-op: 250, SW 242, CW 125, GW 135
Pre-op: 9lb M1: 20lb M2: 11.5lb M3: 11.9 M4: 13.4 M5: 10.8 M6: 10.2 M7: 8.1 M8: 8.4 M9: 6.5 M10: 5.7 M11: 3.5 M12: 4.3