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Good luck! I hope your doctor can help. I had been telling my doc about my issues for several years. He didn't ignore them, but after a vacation I took where I couldn't eat at all he decided to order an upper GI and while having the test done, what I've been complaining about, happened. I couldn't have been happier to choke on barium! I had the band removed and revised to the sleeve. I feel so much better!
Keep us posted on what happens!
Thank you, so much you are so kind and helpful. Nice to have someone to talk too about this and that understands. Every morning I get up, take my chewable vitamin and it hurts when it goes down, than I have tight feeling with pain and hard to breath for about an hour or so. Then it comes and goes. Yes, my doctor knows what is going on and I see him again tomorrow. I have even had pneumonia because of the band.
It's so hard when you don't know what is going on inside of you. I don't get stuck, I can sleep flat and I gain weight.
I asked my husband, "Why did you let me get this thing in me"? He just looked at me and said "there was no stopping you". LOL
By reading this forum, it seem like the band was great 5/6 years ago and then it went downhill. I lost 60 lbs and have 40 back on.
I agree it's not gas. That post-surgical gas pain, in my opinion, is a lot less severe than true Vagus nerve referred pain.
My docs said that no tests could be done to see the damage to the nerves. The diaphragm is shaped like a parachute and the nerves run from the base of the skull down through the diaphragm and into the stomach. The band's presence puts a lot of pressure on those nerves, especially after a few years when scar tissue builds up. I had left shoulder pain that ran up into my neck near my ear and down my arm toward the elbow. There was no nerve block or anything that can be done since the diaphragm is in constant motion when you're breathing. If you have a hiatal hernia, part of your stomach can protrude up through the opening in your esophagus, causing those nerves to go kind of bonkers, too. (And I personally get a lot of stomach acid and burning in my throat, as well.)
Is your doctor documenting the complications you're experiencing? You might have to become a pain in the butt in order to have insurance cover removal. But it helps if your doctor says, "This band is causing physical problems for this patient and it needs to be removed." Hopefully your doctor is on your side in this? Make sure you're adamant... "I want this band out." Say it often. Complain every time you have pain. It needs to be documented, otherwise they'll tend to forget about you.
Wishing you the best of luck. I hope you can get the band out and feel better soon.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 3/1/16 5:02 am
4 years now, I made the decision of having bariatric surgery as I had the BMI greater than 40.. I contacted Placidway in February, and till the end of April I had my gastric sleeve scheduled in Mexico, as the prices were almost half of the price I would have paid in US.
The surgery was successful, I'm more than happy with the decision I've made eben if I was a bit confused then. Now the results are talking by themselves.. People from Placidway found for me some of the best packages so I could choose one according to my fundings and needs. They explained me in detail each procedure so I could choose by myself. Even when I had my surgery they were there asking about me and about my condition. I would like to thank also the surgeon for its professionalism, patience, kindness. After 3 years, I see myself happy with my body, living a new life.
Thanks for the quick reply. This band has not been working for a long time. It's not gas, it goes from my shoulder to my finger tips and sometimes I think I'm having a heart attack. What kind of test can they do to see the damage done. I don't think the normal drink and x-ray is going to show what I feel. I don't know if insurance will cover the problems I know have.
I really just want it out!
I was banded eight years ago. Recently over the last few months I have noticed, tightness, spasms, the feeling of heat at the chest area where the band is. I also get left arm pain. It comes and goes and sometimes antacids cover it up for a while and then it comes back. It is not triggered by food or exercise. I have no restriction and I am filled at 6cc.
Hi Snickerdoodle,
It's most likely due to scar tissue that has built up, causing the Vagus nerves to react. Have you been checked for ulcers, hiatal hernia or gastritis? Those might also cause the symptoms you're experiencing.
I hate to tell you this, but the longer you suffer with the referred left shoulder pain, the more likely it is to become permanent. I had severe left shoulder pain every day while banded, but was told that it was "just gas." I had the band removed about a decade ago and still have bouts of referred left shoulder pain from the damage the band did to my diaphragm and Vagus nerves. Don't just ignore it in the hopes it will get better.
Best of luck to you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I was banded eight years ago. Recently over the last few months I have noticed, tightness, spasms, the feeling of heat at the chest area where the band is. I also get left arm pain. It comes and goes and sometimes antacids cover it up for a while and then it comes back. It is not triggered by food or exercise. I have no restriction and I am filled at 6cc.
I had my LAP-BAND surgery in 2012 and have maintained my one hundred pound weight loss. I know myself very well and know I can't cheat so I stick right to the weight loss program.
I had the LAP-BAND surgery February 2012 and have maintained my one hundred pound weight loss!
Oh yes it is very possible many have revised from band to sleeve or other surgeries. Depends on the surgeon, some like to remove the band let everything heal and then revise to the sleeve. Others like yours feel comfortable doing it all in one surgery. It will all depend on your insurance and how it is written as to what may or may not be covered. Mine didn't cover any kind of bariatric surgery, not even removal of my band so I had to pay for that myself. Thank goodness the hospital worked with me on it but I was already in for some other reasons so I don't know if they would do it for just band removal or not. Anyway wishing you the best and if I can help at all just holler!