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Your words actually make me tear up, Mary. I understand what you're saying. Please know that it truly is NOT your failure. The band just doesn't work for the majority of us and I know that doesn't change what you're currently going through, but don't add feeling bad about yourself to the mix. I am wishing you the best with band removal. You didn't mention why you were having it removed, but if it's due to complications, I hope that band removal resolves the issues.
Good luck on Tuesday. You'll get through this. Your kids aren't going to see you as a failure. I thought the same thing when I was going through it...and it was the furthest thing from the truth. Kids don't like to see their mother suffering. Hugs to you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
What I meant to say before auto correct is... Don't just assume that insurance won't cover a revision, I thought the same thing but I believe I am getting close to an aproval to revise. I also wanna say that I woke up from my lap and surgery complaining of pain in my left shoulder. Of course everyone said it was gas , the only problem is.... It never went away. Every time I ate for 7 years I had shoulder pain, even if I hardly ate a bite .
I'm gettingg my lap band removed next Tuesday. I am overwhelmed with so many feelings. Number 1 I feel like a failure. Even though I have read enough and been told enough it's not my fault that it isn't working. I haven't told my kids mainly because I do feel like this failure and I don't want to appear like that for them. My husband doesn't understand the ups and downs of weight loss. I feel like a failure in front of him also. But it's mainly my self that I feel the worse. I'm 57 years old and have been battling this for a lifetime.. They called today for surgery checklist, and it hit me like big time that I'm actually going to do this. I'm more apprehensive for this removal than I was for the original placement. I had to vent this as I needed to get it off my chest and take a deep breath and keep fighting this fight for a healthier me,,,,
That is hilarious snicker doodle !
Dint be so sure that your insurance won't pay for a revision !!! I thinning is close to approval .
I saw my doctor this am. He took out some of the fluid, explained that all my pain was from the band ( which we already knew that) ordered a EGD test. The barium showed inflammation above my band and I have not been having any eating problems, but I saw it. So, we will do the EGD test, see what it says, see what insurance will say to get it out. IF they do take it out, I'm sure I will have the pay the difference for the revision. This will just take one step at a time and hopefully with my adventure I can help someone else with the same concerns as me.
On a funny note: When I was having the x-ray, I noticed a heart shaped object by band and asked, " What is that"? Turns out it was the Victoria Secret heart from my bra !!! LOL
Hislady -
I have been reading some of your posts on this site and you have been a great help to me and you didn't even know it. I think insurance will remove it, I just have to pay to have the revision. I don't want two surgeries, so hopefully we can work something out.
There are soooo many of us that have had serious problems from that blasted band, you are far from alone! I finally ended up having to pay to get mine removed. Fortunately I was already in the hospital for something else so I only had to pay for the surgery itself and the anesthesiologist, so all combined it was about $4500 and the surgeon let me put it on a credit card and the other I could make payments on. I was in so much pain from it tho I could barely stand to sit up. That was 2 yrs ago and I still have problems with my stomach and excess acid.
I have had my band for 7+ years and I still throw up very regularly. The problem with people saying it should be this way or that way is that everyone is different. I guarantee you that if someone hasn't thrown up but a few times teir band is not tight. Anyway I found its post as I was too searching for vomiting small purple balls. Did you find out what it was? I am on prilosec (omeprazole) 2 capsules a day. I also only notice it when throw up liquid when I try to drink for the first time of the day.
I'm happy to help, if I can. It's a hard thing to deal with. I know no one could have talked me out of the band, either. I hear you!
I was going to inform you about our Failed Bands group, but I see you already found it. I just added you. There's some info that might be of help to you... or at least, you'll see that you're certainly not alone with your complications. There are a number of groups on facebook, as well. Back when I had my band removed, I think it was easier. I didn't have to jump through any hoops to get insurance to cover removal. Hopefully there's someone who can advise you about this because I'm sure it's a little different now.
Hope your appointment goes well and you get some plan of action.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Karen -
Thanks for the laugh! It's sad we have to choke on something, but we have to do what it takes to prove a point.
Did you have the same symptoms as me?