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I had mine out a couple of years after I had it placed. It got to the point where I could barely lift my head off the bed, I was so weak, so it was an emergency removal. Then the weird post-surgical stuff started- sneezing to the point of passing out every few days, chronic hiccups... but the left shoulder pain was lessened immensely and the sneezing and hiccuping lasted about a year or so. My diaphragm was damaged as was my Vagus nerve, so that's what caused those odd symptoms. The band does a lot of damage. It's the biggest mistake I ever made. I hope you can get yours out very soon and feel better! Even if you have to fight, do it. It's important. You deserve to feel good.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Thanks for the replies everyone. I went to my surgeon's office on Monday. I told them my issues with extreme acid reflux, night coughs, and vomiting and they did an unfill. I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels to get a good nights sleep without waking up in the middle of the night with bile coming out of my nose and jolting me out of bed. I was able to ask about the price of removing the lap band and the estimate for the surgeon's fee, the hospital fee, removal fee, and anesthesia fee comes out to $6,707 without insurance and I can pay in installments by going through a patient financial website to sign up for payments or I can pay it in full if I wanted to.
This amount is fortunately doable for me and I thank God for that. I was able to schedule a removal for mid August. They want me to get a revision to either gastric bypass or the sleeve, but right now I am leaning towards just getting the lap band removed with no revision. I still have time to really think about revision, but I am so afraid of having my stomach more than half removed or my intestines rearranged and then have the WLS not work again. I can't stand failure again...and plus removal plus revision would be much more expensive and would likely have to occur in Mexico. I live in the panhandle of Texas and Mexico is very nearby.
I really really really want to talk to you about this. I was IN your shoes and I do understand. I just wanted the dang thing out and some relief.
I was also self pay and I had to think long and hard about a revision. I knew that although I was at goal i would never in a million years stay there without restriction. I was equally as afraid of surgically making my medical problems permanent with a revision.
I cannot stress to you how much easier a sleeve is vs. a band. Bands should be taken off the market. Matter of fact, if the original band maker, Inamed, would have told the FDA the entire truth regarding their studies with the band in France, it would have never been approved for use in the US anyway.
A sleeve is your stomach, just smaller. That's it. It's that simple. It's the safest surgery type of all major surgery types available today. It does what the band was supposed to do. The band has as many complications in number as bypass and as you can see, it is temporary.
Look, you are self pay. Get it all done at once. Don't waste more of your life fighting obesity and band complications. Life is too short.
I don't know what the cost is in the US for band to sleeve revision but in Mexico for a stellar revision doctor and not a Tijuana freakazoid, it's $7K in and out the door. You will be spending almost that much in the US just to get the dang thing taken out.
I had a band in 12/06, goal 10/07, revision to a sleeve (at goal) 6/08. Take control of food issues and move on with your life. A sleeve is NOTHING like a band, nothing!
In may of 2003 I had the lapband put in. I have had 4 or 5 incidences of inflamation (that is what the doctor said) and chest pain here and there. I became pregnant in 2005 and had all fluid removed...about a year later, I had a small amount of fluid put back in but had no real success with true weightloss. I became pregnant in 2010 and had fluid removed again. I became pregnant again in late 2013. ALL 3 deliveries were csections. My daughter was born in august 2014 and about 5-6 weeks later, I began having major issues with acid reflux and abdominal pain. I have severe anxiety and began to think I was dying. I had an EGD and CT scan done and I was told it was just gastritis and put on PPI for a long time. I took myself off because they just kept increasing the doses and nothing was helping. Diet changes helped. I have had intermittent abdominal pain since then. I had a pretty bad flare up of abdominal and side and back pain in September of 2015 and had several tests run again to just be told it is IBS. I am not in the middle of another (the worst yet) case of abdominal and back pain and again, chest pain. My anxiety is through the roof. I went for cardiology appointments again and everything tested fine. The cardiologist is convinced it is my lapband and wants me to see a different bariatric surgeon for help. I am scared. I want this thing out. I am afraid it has caused permanent damage. Any one out there have similar experience? HELP!
Get that thing removed. Very few people can tolerate it long term. It does cause vagus nerve damage, reflux, esophageal damage, the list is endless. If it is causing damage then the longer it is in the worse it will get. The damage is forever. :o(
Reflux is enough of a problem! Look into a revision !!
Banded 6/9/09 HW 242 LW 142 Revision 198 m 1 loss 16 lbs 182. M 2 loss 4 lbs 178. M3 loss 6 lbs 174.m4 loss 4 lbs 168. M5 gain 2 lbs 170. M6 loss 7 lbs 163 M7 loss 5 lbs 159 M8 loss 1 lb 158 M9 loss 0 M10 155 loss 3 M11 154 loss 1 M12 loss 2 152 M13 loss 3 149 M16, 17 0 loss M 18 loss 4 lbs 145 (18 months 53 lbs)
Premier protein is very good and less than most.
Banded 6/9/09 HW 242 LW 142 Revision 198 m 1 loss 16 lbs 182. M 2 loss 4 lbs 178. M3 loss 6 lbs 174.m4 loss 4 lbs 168. M5 gain 2 lbs 170. M6 loss 7 lbs 163 M7 loss 5 lbs 159 M8 loss 1 lb 158 M9 loss 0 M10 155 loss 3 M11 154 loss 1 M12 loss 2 152 M13 loss 3 149 M16, 17 0 loss M 18 loss 4 lbs 145 (18 months 53 lbs)
Thank you! I appreciate the comment! I hope it isn't a fight to get it out! When did you get yours out?
I have.
Also had the band in 2003. Nothing but severe, chronic pain from it. Also, I didn't have anxiety before, but I sure did develop it while banded. I think the Vagus nerve really does get affected more than ever divulged. It regulates so much in a body and the band's presence just screws it all up. I have gastritis, too.
Get it removed as soon as possible. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel after the band is out. We get used to being miserable and start to think it's "normal." You WILL feel better when it's out.
Best of luck to you, melbc. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I have a very limited income and my nutritionist suggested muscle milk, cytosport. It only has 18 grams of protein per scoop but we are making it with milk. I love it! My favorite is chocolate made with frozen dark sweet cherries, raspberries, or strawberries. Now I am on my pre surgery diet so drinking it plain and still looking forward to drinking it..
In may of 2003 I had the lapband put in. I have had 4 or 5 incidences of inflamation (that is what the doctor said) and chest pain here and there. I became pregnant in 2005 and had all fluid removed...about a year later, I had a small amount of fluid put back in but had no real success with true weightloss. I became pregnant in 2010 and had fluid removed again. I became pregnant again in late 2013. ALL 3 deliveries were csections. My daughter was born in august 2014 and about 5-6 weeks later, I began having major issues with acid reflux and abdominal pain. I have severe anxiety and began to think I was dying. I had an EGD and CT scan done and I was told it was just gastritis and put on PPI for a long time. I took myself off because they just kept increasing the doses and nothing was helping. Diet changes helped. I have had intermittent abdominal pain since then. I had a pretty bad flare up of abdominal and side and back pain in September of 2015 and had several tests run again to just be told it is IBS. I am not in the middle of another (the worst yet) case of abdominal and back pain and again, chest pain. My anxiety is through the roof. I went for cardiology appointments again and everything tested fine. The cardiologist is convinced it is my lapband and wants me to see a different bariatric surgeon for help. I am scared. I want this thing out. I am afraid it has caused permanent damage. Any one out there have similar experience? HELP!
I know it has been a long time since you posted this reply, but I hope you see this. I am currently having the EXACT issues you listed. I am curious what you had done?
My lapband has been in for 13 years this week and I am miserable.