Surgery schedule for removal
I'm gettingg my lap band removed next Tuesday. I am overwhelmed with so many feelings. Number 1 I feel like a failure. Even though I have read enough and been told enough it's not my fault that it isn't working. I haven't told my kids mainly because I do feel like this failure and I don't want to appear like that for them. My husband doesn't understand the ups and downs of weight loss. I feel like a failure in front of him also. But it's mainly my self that I feel the worse. I'm 57 years old and have been battling this for a lifetime.. They called today for surgery checklist, and it hit me like big time that I'm actually going to do this. I'm more apprehensive for this removal than I was for the original placement. I had to vent this as I needed to get it off my chest and take a deep breath and keep fighting this fight for a healthier me,,,,
Your words actually make me tear up, Mary. I understand what you're saying. Please know that it truly is NOT your failure. The band just doesn't work for the majority of us and I know that doesn't change what you're currently going through, but don't add feeling bad about yourself to the mix. I am wishing you the best with band removal. You didn't mention why you were having it removed, but if it's due to complications, I hope that band removal resolves the issues.
Good luck on Tuesday. You'll get through this. Your kids aren't going to see you as a failure. I thought the same thing when I was going through it...and it was the furthest thing from the truth. Kids don't like to see their mother suffering. Hugs to you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
First off your not a failure, your band failed you. They do not work for everyone. Hang in there, you are not alone many people have been in your shoes. I wish you all the best.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Thanks. I did get it removed. I am 2 weeks post op. I have scheduled for a revision in June. Excited for the new chapter. I did tell my kids. They were very supportive of it. I still have days were I feel like I could of done more but I quickly dismiss those thoughts and move on. NO more looking back at what ifs and whys. Gearing up for the next step. Thanks again
I right there with you! We are not failures. The band failed us. We all need to grieve and then move forward. I know it is easier said than done, but I'm working on it and We all have so much support here and around us.

Ann Jones
RNY Surgery 2/13/2017
12/23/08 Band Date - Removal Date 08/15/16