Pregnant with a lap band

on 8/25/15 2:32 pm


I was banded in 2010 and I'm now 5 months pregnant with my first child. I cant help but worry that something could happen to my band/port or the baby as the baby moves. Is this possible, or am I worrying for nothing? 

Thank you! 

on 8/26/15 7:47 am

I had two babies after my band and I never had my fluid removed and nothing happened for me. I was all good, I thought for sure labor would cause problems but I was luck it did not. Good luck!!  


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



Nic M
on 8/26/15 10:31 am

Congratulations! I would think that if you're checked periodically, you should be fine. If you feel anything's amiss, check with your obstetrician and band doc right away. You might notice that the band presses against the diaphragm a little more as you get further along.
Best of luck to you! I hope all goes well and you feel good throughout your pregnancy.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 8/26/15 7:20 pm - Vancouver, WA

I've been here for close to 10 years and there have been quite a few ladies who got pregnant and I don't recall any of them having any problems while carrying their babies. Now many of them had issues with the bands farther down the road such as acid and slips or erosions but that happens to a good many of us over time. Best of luck with your little one!

Amy D.
on 9/19/15 6:47 pm - Stratford, Canada

I was banded in 2009 and had my son in January.  No issues whatsoever but I did have a couple cc's removed at 20 weeks just because that is when the baby starts to push up your stomach and I had quite a bit of restriction.  I did have the occasional port pain when he was pushing on it with his feet closer to the end.  I still haven't had a refill due to money being tighter.  Good luck!

on 10/23/15 9:38 am - Bristol, RI

Congrats on the pregnancy! Your band and port should be just fine. I was pregnant with twins with the band, they turned out to be 8 lbs and 7 lb 4 band related discomfort. I was not able to get proper restriction after though and it has been empty since. They recommended emptying it completely because it was twins and I was going to be so much bigger than a singleton pregnancy. I tried getting fills but they always resulted in unfills. Not everyone has that happen though.

Good luck!


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