Once lap and is removed where do we go from here.
I have had the lap band with no issues for 6 years dropping 140lbs easily, then my band slipped severely and has been removed in an emergency surgury. I am just recovering but wondering where do I go next I don't want to loose the weight I have gained.
your knowledge and research based on experience would be helpful. Aug. 18
I would say that the majority of people revise to another surgery mainly the sleeve but a few have gone RNY or DS. I was unable to revise but have stuck to a super low carb diet 20 mg or less a day and high protein. I have continues to lose for the last year but I have also not really been working at it and may have some other health issue going on that is causing the weight loss so am just starting to find out what is going on. If you continue on with the protein forward diet we do with weight loss surgery that should give you control over where your weight goes.
I just had my band removed and revised to the sleeve 6 weeks ago! I gained 40 back from my lowest due to the slip and esophageal dilation so I guess I am considered a lightweight in revising.
I had the sleeve mainly so I don't get back into the morbidly obese category, yes I could have most likely lost the 40 gained but it was the what if that made me make the decision to self pay for the sleeve. I am losing slow but hope to not only get back to my lowest band weight but get even lower!
Only you can decide what is right for you, my family was against my revision, because after all surgery to lose 40??. Well I know me and needed the band in the first place for a reason, been overweight/morbidly obese most of my life not going to spend the last 30 or so that way. I also was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago and it changed my outlook on life, also being that I may have Lynch Syndrome losing my stomach wasn't a big deal to me lol.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost! Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15
LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15
You don't want to lose the weight you have gained? Does this mean you've lost too much and you're trying not to lose any more? Or are the words juxtaposed and you don't want to regain the weight you've lost? I just want to make sure I'm understanding your situation correctly.
Did your surgeon mention a revision to you at all? You will need to find out if you have any damage that would preclude a revision surgery, find out if your insurance will cover revision (or if you're self pay, disregard the part about insurance) and then find out how long you might have to recover before undergoing revision surgery. Do you have an idea of what type of surgery you'd revise to?
Good luck to you. I hope you recuperate well.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Sorry meant to write that I don't want to gain back the weight and want to make a plan for something. My lap band was removed in emergency at the hospital and there have been no discussion. I have a follow up apt next week I have read about the gastric sleeve and of course will be paying. The Dr *****moved it in emerg was in Toronto Dr. John Hagen he had a nice disposition. Saved my life basically at the point I went into emerg I had not had food or water for 10 days. He talked to me for 10 min and I was in the operating room.
now I am just doing research amongst us banisters about where to go next. Another band? But I hated having the port sticking out, and what if it slips again vs the sleeve
your opinions really appreciated
Oh, I see! Just wanted to make sure I understood your situation fully.
After a slip, having another band is not the best idea. There's a higher rate of slippage with the second band, statistically speaking.
If you aren't having reflux issues, a sleeve would be a good option. If you are having reflux, you might want to consider RnY or Duodenal Switch instead. The problem with the sleeve and reflux is that the reflux can get worse, depending on the size of the sleeve. With DS, you'd have the added malabsorption aspect, so the sleeve could be slightly larger. I don't know enough about RnY to advise on it, but I'm sure there's a lot of info on the RnY board. If that's a consideration, ask questions there, as well. And the revisions board might have info that's valuable, as well.
I'm glad that your doctor saved your life! I understand this. I, too, had emergency surgery with a twisted stomach and was unable to have a bowel movement for weeks. Like you, I was unable to eat or drink and it was getting pretty dicey. I'm glad you're okay now!
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I just had my lapband removed a little over 2 weeks ago and revised to the sleeve. I know there are concerns with reflux with the sleeve, but so far I have not had any issues. In addition, I have lost weight fast (I originally weighed 250, lost 70 pounds with the band and then gained back 30 - so my current goal from my sleeve surgery weight was to lose 75 total and I've lost 16 pounds in 15 days). I would think that if you are just wanting to maintain, then the sleeve and the DS may not be for you because you may lose more than you think (unless you have more to lose), but I agree with the other posters that having another band is not ideal, because there is more risk of slippage, etc. It really is a personal decision. Good luck!