I HAVE NO LAP BAND POUCH!! How Do I Use This Thing?
I have had my lap band for 2 1/2 years. I had it inflated really full 10 3/4cc out of a 14cc band because I did not feel any restriction until then. I though all was going fine but 1 year ago I got esophageal spasms so bad my throat locked up behind my adam's apple. A trip to the hospital and an EGD and Ct scan showed all was normal except for ulcers where the esophagus and stomach meet. The hospital recommended removing some fluid but my bariatric surgeon said if no food is getting stuck and I can still eat anything I choose including steak and large vitamin pills then there is no problem. 2 more trips to the hospital for throat spasms and bleeding ulcers more EGDs and CTs show no slipped band or dilated esophagus. I went to my Bariatric Dr. and demanded some fluid be removed. The nurse got overly gung ho and removed 9cc in one big syringe. She wanted me to get a Baruim swallow and wait 6 weeks before even talking about refill. The barium swallow showed that I have no pouch whatsoever. The band abuts the bottom of the diaphragm. This did not slip, it was placed this way. My Bariatric Dr. stunned me by saying that everything is normal and there is no problem. He wanted to know why I was there. I told him about the hospital visits and throat spasms. He said it was just a band overfill and to let fluid out. I told him the fluid was out and he said then there is no problem. I said I am gaining my weight back rapidly, he said if you fill it again you will have those problems again. Then I said what about there being no pouch? What am I supposed to do? How do I eat? Where is my food going? He didn't say anything. He said if he went back in he could only move it 1 centimeter and that would not make a difference. He said he has several people like me and they seem to be getting along. He told me that if I have any problems with this band he can just remove it and be done with it. This guy has made it plain he is getting out of the lap band business and only wants to do gastric sleeves.
I feel abandonded, alone and don't know what to do to manage this. I can not find anyone like me on any support forum. I am paying cash for a second opinion from a Bariatric surgeon who sepcializes in revision surgery, but he is not part of my insurance. I am willing to change insurance just to get this fixed but that will take until this fall's enrollment period and won'e become effective until Jan. 2016. Meanwhile, to stop my weight gain I am having my band filled again, and will try to be careful knowing that my esophagus is being used as a stomach pouch until the food slowly goes past the band.
I would like some encouragement to get me through this and any advice on how to eat and plan my meals.
Wow I don't even know where to start!!!So sorry you have been put in this position and I hope the other doc can give you a better option to fix this. The esophagus is very delicate and easily damaged by the band as I found out I have some loss of swallowing strength from my band and it wasn't even very tight. You are best off if you can leave it empty so it doesn't cause anymore damage, if you were having spasms it was too tight so try to leave it open if you can. At this point you want to try not to cause anymore damage. I have never heard of this situation and it makes me wonder what is up with your original surgeon for him to be so misguided in his thinking. I would NOT go back to him at all, he sounds quite dangerous!
If I were you I would stay on liquids until you see the revision surgeon and see what he says. Maybe stick with protein drinks so you are getting your vitamins and protein in. At this point I wouldn't worry about weight gain, you have bigger problems to worry about with your band. Just stick with liquids and get in to the other doc as soon as you can. The less solid food you can eat the better off your esophagus will be. I know a few people who have lost their stomachs because of band damage and others that can't swallow anymore and have to be tube fed because their esophagus is so damaged so this isn't something to mess around with!
That all sucks and that doctor should be reported. You definitely need to get a second opinion.
And DO NOT get the band refilled. I understand that you are gaining, but the damage that can be done if you refill your band could make it were the band has to come out and you will no longer be able to get any other WLS. Not worth risking it.
Maybe take a look at the sleeve and bypass forums where they post "what are you eating today". It may help you to plan your meals so you can nip the gaining in the butt. See what others are eating and how much of it they have at a meal. Until you can get this figured out try tracking what and how much you eat daily.
What the other posters said!! It doesn't sound like it was done right in the first place. I would definitely see another surgeon, something doesn't seem right, even with no fill I could always see a distinct pouch/ distance between the band and the esophagus ....be careful there are worse problems than weight gain that the band can cause. Just try to do the best you can with watching the weight, it is tough because I also gained 10 pounds in a month after a unfill, and I wasn't even overeating or eating the wrong things.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost! Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15
LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15