Kate-True Brit has left us
It is with a very sad heart that I inform you all that we lost Kate to a heart attack over the weekend. She has been a constant on this forum since before I came and that was many long years ago. I believe Kate was going on close to 10 yrs (if not longer) with her band and while we disagreed about the band we were still able to remain friends all these years. We were able to agree to disagree yet be friends which makes her an extraordinary friend!!
I know her knowledge of band life and her experiences with it will be greatly missed here. There are very few vets still here that have been banded that long and had so few problems. Her knowledge was an asset to all and will be sorely missed. So take a minute friends and say a little good bye to our True Brit! Feel free to add to the post and remember the good or bad times with out Miss Kate!
on 6/7/15 7:56 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
This hurts like hell.
I too agreed to disagree with Kate in regards to Lapband issues but, I recognized that she was a valuable asset to this forum.
She will be missed♡♡♡
Thank you ladies I'm sure this forum will miss her most of all. She has been here for so very long and lately has been just about the only one here everyday besides myself. It is an even bigger loss for those who will come along with problems and she won't be here with her proper British logical answers! The rest of us will I am sure try to help but she just had a special way with people. RIP Our British Rose Ms Kate!
I have had a day to process this and I can tell you my heart hurts more today as I came back on OH and read all the posts on all the forums, I love reading how Kate touched so many here . Karen! I know this had to be hard for you but thanks again for letting us all know. We all loved Kate and will miss her terribly. There are only a couple of you that have been a constant presents on my journey. You all have made my journey easier, knowing I could come on here and ask questions and get support from you , Kate, and Bette. I will truly miss her. I pray for her and her family.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16