Starting over - reprise

Susan O.
on 6/2/15 6:31 am - Atlanta, GA

The last time I posted was in 2012 and it was about starting over. Had weight gain after LapBand in 2005. Net/net is that I didn't start over. Lots of complications that I thought were from being too tight but as it turned out I had a very significant hiatal hernia. Tons of night time regurgitation, not just reflux. Super scary but with new surgeon (I had moved) we got to the bottom of it in 2013. I was so relieved to be out of pain and scary regurgitation that I just didn't put any fill in my band at all. Fast forward two years and I am embracing my band again. I have gained 30 lbs but I am super excited about the opportunity to lose those pounds. That is the value of LapBand for me. I can have the weight loss back. I had a small fill yesterday (I have the 4cc band that is no longer even used). I put 1 cc in yesterday and so I am still on liquids, but I seem to have good restriction. 

I hope there are one or two stories like mine somewhere on this forum. People who have gained and lost again.



Bette B.
on 6/2/15 6:08 pm

 Good luck!!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Susan O.
on 6/3/15 4:49 am - Atlanta, GA

Thanks, Bette! I am lucky to have great physician support and access to great nutrition. I had hoped that my reflux was entirely haital hernia related but I had a bit of reflux early this morning. I think I am going to have to pay close attention to portions at night and eating early. Otherwise, I am not giving myself enough time to digest. I think that is all manageabele




Susan O.
on 6/4/15 6:18 pm - Atlanta, GA

So interesting. VSG board so much more active. 

Still struggling with the reflux/regurgitation. Had really long conversation with my Dr. about it this afternoon as he removed 1/4 tsp of saline today.We talked about hormone changes in a day and how they impact the vagus nerve. The fact that I have a high pressure band means that the stimulation on the vagus nerve early in the morning is probably triggering the reflux. Really interesting theory about why this happens to bandsters. So, he removed a tiny amount. If that works, great. If not tomorow he will remove a tiny bit more. He is pretty dedicated to helping me find my sweet spot. Need to get more protein but my restriction is really good right now. I definitely can eat but maybe only about 2 oz of protein and 1/2 c veggies at a time. So, I added protein shake this morning and will add a protein shake tomorrow. I feel really good today and hope that night time is fixed.


I am probably just talking to myself on this forum! Am okay with that - but just had to note that I am already down two lbs. Only 30 more to go. 



on 6/10/15 2:36 pm - Williston, ND

I am also starting again after having some complications and being too tight. I am completely emptied at this time and am hungry all of the time. I have gained back 70 of the 80 that I lost. I am trying so hard to eat right but it is so difficult for me ( had a bad afternoon because there was a baby shower with cake) I have a very long ways to go and it feels very discouraging. I am trying to take it one day at a time. good luck!!

on 11/21/15 3:49 pm

Hi Susan


I am back to the board after many years and like you are wanting to get back to making the most of my band!  How have you been doing, it is some time since this post!

I only lost about 22kg before the weight gain restarted after a major stuck incident - air bubble in band after flight to South Africa - NEVER manager to find the sweet spot again - and slowly put it all back on +


Have been back to my nurse for a fill the past few weeks, taking it slowly though so i don't get back to the fill/unfill/fill/unfill pattern.  


I am seeing this as a last ditch attempt to make this lapband work before I seriously consider revision to RNY.  I am hesitant there as my reasons for choosing lapband are still the same, less invasive etc.  My surgeon no longer does lapbands - and my nurse told me so many of their patients with lapband have had a revision. . . So I figure seeing her for .1 fills every few weeks at $60 a pop is still a lot cheaper than RNY self Pay $21k.


So fingers crossed that this will work, I have totally dropped the rubbish and carbs/sugar and coffee too.  Becoming more accountable and the slight fill is making a difference already to the portion size and choices.


I am sure if you have no complications we can do this!  I am back to reading the board for inspiration and thanks for the 5 Day Pouch test I will try that too.


Karen  :0)




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