Nausea/vomiting and Lap Band

Kate -True Brit
on 5/15/15 11:38 am - UK

Wow, must be so difficult not having a national health service. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 5/15/15 2:53 pm - Vancouver, WA

I don't understand situations like this because we have had to pay for our own insurance for a long time now and when the new insurance laws happened (Obamacare) our cost was cut almost in half. It went from well over a thousand a month to about $500 and I have the top notch plan, with my health we have to! I am covered for just about everything. I'm afraid too many people were forced to choose the lower coverage plans or didn't understand how it worked and ended up with really bad plans. All I can say is hubby studied all the plans and picked a top coverage plan for me to make sure I was covered for all my conditions and we still ended up paying less. Yet our daughter has nothing because she can't afford even the least expensive but is on disability. However she also can't get medicaid because disability pays too much. It just makes no sense. I feel for folks that can't get the medical treatment they need it just isn't right that one of the richest nations in the world can't care for the medical needs of all the citizens. Very sad!

Kate -True Brit
on 5/15/15 11:20 pm - UK

There are lots of things about our NHS which are worrying!  But it's nothing, NOTHING like as bad as some of your anti-Obamacare politicians portrayed it.  I have always had excellent service from it. 

They wouid not have done my surgery in the first place because I didn't have any co-mirbidities but they would almost certainly have done it if I had diabetes or something. But now I have the surgery, all my aftercare is done totally free by the NHS and if I had any problem, they have a legal duty of care to look after me. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 6/1/15 12:58 pm

Actually, my hospital developed its own plan several years ago and it is marketed as our only option, it is an HMO, so many things are not covered, or like with a swallow test, even if my deductible is met I am still liable for the first $500, so everything ends up coming out of pocket, thank you for your information.

on 5/31/15 3:25 pm - Fort Worth, TX
This sounds EXACTLY like what I was dealing with recently only I know I have an anterior band slip. Wasn't obvious through an EGD but the upper GI was clear - slipped almost horizontal position and dilated pouch. Anemic episodes and other annoying malabsorption issues. I think if you had the proper tests it would be easy to diagnose the issue so you could make an informed decision. Best of luck.

First Fill 1/4/2010 - 4CC in 12CC band * Second Fill 1/12/2010 - 2CC * Unfill 1/13/2010 - 1CC* Third Fill 6/17/2010 - .4CC


Complete unfill - 2/2011

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on 6/1/15 12:55 pm

Thanks for the information, my doc found out I have a duodenal ulcer, I am much better since starting treatment for that, the testing to see an actual slip isn't covered unless a life threatening event goes on, so am hoping I will heal.  Take Care

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