Trouble help me please

on 4/8/15 1:27 pm

Hello my name is Lacey I was banded June 24, 2014! I started at 243 and am at 208 today. I had 9cc in band and Monday I had 4 taken out. For the last three months I have plateaued due to stupidity I keep eating sliders which is carbs carbs carbs. I wanted a break so I had 4cc removed. I now understand the mental part of this journey and I feel like an utter failure. I can't stick to diet I feel like all my will power is at 0 and I don't know y. I wanted to get sleeve but I couldnt take the time off for work because I work in oilfield in south Texas as a truck driver and well we don't get much x off. Anyone who can help me get my life on track I would love to hear your story if u had a similar problem. Any advice I would like please please help me fight this battle!

on 4/8/15 1:30 pm

I also am wanting to try herbalife diet after I start having fluid added back.


Kate -True Brit
on 4/8/15 6:05 pm - UK

The mental struggle is even harder than the physical one. All obese people know that! 

It sounds as if you have never really got into band eating. You say you ate sliders and "needed a break" which implies your band was much, much too tight. It should never physically stop us eating. All it shouid ever do is slow us down.  Here's a reminder as to how it works which may help you get your head back in the right place. 

Well-chewed food passes through a well-adjusted band in under a minute. It shouid not remain above the band. If you have read anywhere that it shouid do so, this is out-dated information which was taught back in around 2006/2008. Food as it moves down the oesophagus doex so partly by gravity and partly by the movement of the oesophageal walls. Because the entrance to our stomach is narrowed, food which woukd otherwise require one push of the oesophagus may now require three. This does not put strain on the oesophagus as long as the food  IS well-chewed. 

The brain is aware of the numbers of movements and so thinks we have eaten more than we have. This is ALL the band does, makes us eat slowly (which is known to improve loss) and dims hunger. We can always eat more.

however well-chewed, dense proteins retain more texture than sliders which become virtually liquid. The former therefore work to dim hunger, the latter don't.

Being a driver is going to make it essential you plan. You need to know places to stop if you eat out, foods to pack if you take them with you. Having had so much out, you probably don't have much band help at the moment. But if you were so tight before, certainly don't  have the full amount replaced. 

After you have eaten, keep busy! Don't have a bag of food beside you as you drive.

sorry, there is a LOT of will power needed and a lot of planning. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/8/15 7:14 pm

Thank you Kate, I have still a hard x with small bites I couldn't eat a lot of different meats. I think ur right my band was too tight I would get frustrated eating cuz it seemed like everything went down so slow so I would just stop eating. I rarely got sick as I've read other people have when food got stuck. This is the only option of support I don't have x for support groups so I am going to now rely on u or this sight for help. Any tips on what food was good for u that lasted?

Kate -True Brit
on 4/8/15 8:13 pm - UK

I always ate all foods, some needed more care than others. But the key is definitely start with dense protein. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Bette B.
on 4/9/15 11:28 am

PS: Herbalife is a crap pyramid scheme. It doesn't work. Save your money. 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 4/9/15 2:33 pm - Vancouver, WA

I agree with both of these ladies even tho I'm basically anti band because it really screwed me up, even a year after having it removed I still have problems. However as far as how to eat, Kate hit the nail on the head, protein first, then veggies and healthy carbs IF they don't bother you. I'm extremely carb sensitive and they will throw my blood sugar off big time, to where I just fall asleep sitting up.

And yeah Herbalife is a scam. My grand daughter uses it but she only ever has 10-20 lbs to lose. She's just naturally skinny, little brat!!! She even sells it but I told sorry I don't buy that sort of thing. So yeah save your money. Besides liquids aren't going to help you feel full like dense protein will.

You aren't a failure the band has been a failure for many of us. So it may not be all you. Like Kate said tho try leaving it looser and you just have to have the same determination and will power everyone else does when they diet. The band just makes it a little easier but not alot. Try to get rid of as many fast foods and pre packaged food as you can. That will help alot.

You might even want to check out other surgeries that would be more helpful. Then you can see about a revision to a different surgery that is more successful. Use vacation time to get it done. Good luck, there are alot of us left here but we're always glad to try to help!

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