Xpost life expectancy of the band

crystal M.
on 4/22/15 5:19 am - Joliet, IL

I actually do believe the Bands are built to live through the next ice age.  But what is the problem here is that some people's body's are just not able to live with the band inside them.  Almost like they are rejecting the band.  There are some people that are very compliant and still not able to lose weight or tolerate the band.  I feel bad for them.  I am among the lucky....6 years and going strong.  185 lbs lost and still maintaining. 

Kate -True Brit
on 4/22/15 5:35 am - UK

Hi Crystsl. glad to hear it is still good for you!  

I dont think anyone ever doubted the physical band can last a lifetime.  Many say, as you do, that the time the band is IN the body is a very different issue.  I was just trying to find out if the statement made so very often on here that the manufacturers themselves say it will have to be removed after ten years was true - not the statement being true but the fact the manufacturers said it! I e-mailed Allergan and they replied that they had never said it. 

A couple of people (whom I have no reason at all to doubt)  have said they read it prior to getting their (non-band) surgery, back as far as 2003.  But interestingly, no-one (even the most bitter  ex-banded person) ever pointed out this statement until maybe around 2009 or later and when people started quoting it, they always said that "even the manufacturers *now* say this". 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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