lap band removal scheduled for next Wed 4/15/15

on 4/7/15 5:47 am - NJ

Hi all its been a few years since ive been on here but here is my situation.  I was banded in Nov 06.  Rebanded in Dec 09 because of slippage.  Went to the wls last month to find out that my band slipped......again.....4mm lower than it should be so my surgeon unfilled me.  I was sore for a day or two so I really dont know how long it was slipped because I thought I felt restriction.  So my surgeon scheduled me for an endoscopy which he confirmed the slip also I had a small sliding hiatal hernia and gastritis with minor reflux.  Now I am scheduled next wed for complete removal of band.  I am actually kind of excited to have it removed and start process for gastrix sleeve.  I am really nervous although I have had it done before.  So my question is, what kindnof recovery time do you need for this.  I am going on Vaca may 24th.  My dr seems to think its not a big deal but im nervous

Kate -True Brit
on 4/7/15 6:51 am - UK

So sorry you have had problems.

may I suggest you post on the VSG board - there are quite a few band to sleeve people there so you may find people to help you, 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/7/15 12:30 pm - Vancouver, WA

I had mine removed a year ago and it was a pretty easy surgery. Took about 20 min for removal. Recovery was about a week very little pain involved. Some folks have longer pain around the port incision but usually not too bad. You should be fine for vacation, it is a very easy surgery. You will feel so good getting it out!!!!

Denise M.
on 4/9/15 7:29 am

Hi Hislady!  I haven't been here in ages, but was excited to see that you got your band removed!    Mine comes out two weeks from today and I am sooooo happy about it!

Nic M
on 4/7/15 1:28 pm

Best of luck to you! I had my band removed back in 2005, so my memory is a little rusty, but I don't think the recuperation from band removal was nearly as bad as when I had the initial band surgery. I felt SO much better after it was out of my body, it was like night and day. 

I think you'll be just fine by your vacation on May 24th. Just take it easy and heal up... drink liquids, take your pain medication, don't overdo.  I know I sound like I'm being a bossy mom.   


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 4/16/15 10:56 am

May I ask why you got yours removed and did you go the sleeve? I am having problems now, maybe a leak but thinking about removal


Thanks for any help or advice 

I have gained 17 lbs since I lost my restriction and that makes me very very nervous !!

on 4/7/15 9:39 pm - NJ

Thank you all for your replies....I really cant wait to have it out!!

Denise M.
on 4/9/15 7:27 am

Congratulations!  It's been a few years since I've posted here, too.  Like you, I'm getting my band out later this month (the 23rd).

I am in a group on FaceBook where several people have had bands removed recently.  I think for the most part everyone feels better almost immediately (assuming really bad damage wasn't done by the band) and recovery time seems faster than it was for the initial surgery.

My surgeon told me it'd take about 2 hours (I guess that includes prep, anesthesia, removal) and he hasn't seen any surgical complications in his band removal cases.  He has done at least 5 in the last 3 months, probably more since I've talked to him.

Hopefully getting these things removed will help--just to be rid of (or at least lessen) the left shoulder pain alone would make my quality of life so much better!  I haven't had any fluid in mine since May of 2011 when I got gastritis from taking an antibiotic.  

Sending you best wishes on your band removal--I'm sure you will be ready to travel by the end of May if you're just removing and not revising at the same time.

on 4/9/15 2:49 pm - Vancouver, WA

Hey Denise I recognized the big fuzzy vest right off the bat!!! Are we in some of the same FG pages I don't recognize you from the ones I'm on but I'm gettin' so senile I'm lucky if I remember who I am! I'm the only one I know who didn't have the left shoulder pain until I got it removed, then I started getting it!! Only if I eat too fast or too much so that reminds me to slow down. I've read where there are 2 methods of removing the band, in one they just unclip the band and slip it out in the other they take it out and then remove as much scar tissues as they can. I think my scar tissue was left in because it still feels like there is a band in there but now it works better than my band ever did! It stops me after 1/2 dozen bites, slows me down and like I said gives me the left shoulder pain if I go over board. But none of the pain from that killer band. I'm just so glad it is gone!

Denise M.
on 4/13/15 6:07 am

Hee hee!  I love my Yak vest!  I wish I had purchased it!  I guess I'll have to wander back to Texas and see if they still have 'em in stock.

I'm in the Failed Lap Band and Realize Bands group on FaceBook and have just started posting a little.  I've been out of the social media loop (here, FB, even emailing and stuff) for awhile.  Trying to get back into the swing of things.

Wow. Who would have thought a band of scar tissue would work better than the actual band?  And give you left shoulder pain to boot.  UGH.

I think my doc's going to unclip it and slip it out.  He did (plication?) that thing where they pull up stomach to cover the band, kind of like where the band is like elastic inside the waistband of a skirt.  So hopefully there's not much scar tissue in there.  

I just want the burping to stop.  I'll keep the shoulder pain and even the slow feeling when I swallow food, if bargaining were an option.  I just can't take the non-stop burping.  

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