Fills with no fluoroscopy ?

on 3/31/15 9:45 pm - Cleveland, TN

Thank you all for your replies. I had .5 cc removed and was able to do fluids a little better and the puking up brown stopped. Today I feel better, almost like the stochastic swelling has reduced and I was able to eat a small tiny breakfast . 

on 4/1/15 8:00 am

I am 5 years, 10 months out -- never had a fluroscopy for a fill.

My doc and I discuss how I am feeling --- and we decide on an amount -- and he hits the bullseye, first time, every time.

No one touches my band except for my surgeon (I have heard a few horror stories about the NP in his office) --- so I wait until I can get an appointment with him.


on 4/1/15 11:09 am - Cleveland, TN

I understand about that ! My drs wife was his first assistant and did my first 3 fills, she would put the needle in, I'd feel her ontop of my port , clearly in the right spot and she'd go pounce pounce pounce, I finally asked her " what the heck are you doing " I'm a surgical tech and know better than that! She said I'm just bouncing on it to make sure I'm in the right spot. SO !!! The next time I went in, I told the dr " I don't want to offend you but she will not be touching me again" he said no problem. The thing is ..... My stomach used to be bruised when she did it and hasn't ever been that way when he did it! 

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