Any idea how long it takes for a slip to correct itself?

on 2/6/15 6:26 am
Revision on 08/27/15

I've got a probable slip, but I don't want it to correct itself before it's able to be documented by a barium swallow, so that I can hopefully get a revision approved.  I had a complete unfill on Wednesday, and the barium swallow is on Tuesday.  

Lap-Band 2007

Lap-Band Replaced 2011

APPROVED for revision to RNY! Awaiting surgery date!

on 2/6/15 8:28 am

Most band Slips don't "fix' themselves. An enlarged pouch can. 

What I'd suggest you do is start to document all band problems you've been experiencing and make sure the Dr's office documents them as well. Because at times when a complete UN-fill is done it can temporary resolve the issues at hand, like relfux, difficulty eating, or drinking.

Because regardless Tests are often done Bands are often reported as being "fine" when a lot of the times their not.

But with documentation it's often easier to get a band removed, Like Vomiting, reflux/ Gerd, pain, difficulty eating or eating specific foods,loss of restriction,







on 2/9/15 5:38 am

Hi, eventually the slip has to be repaired. Sometimes a hiatal hernia is there and needs to be repaired. It doesn't mean you have to have the band removed. I had a slip in 2003. Once it was repositioned I have been fine. I just celebrated my 13th Bandiversary. Good luck. Mona

Veteran Bandster 2002

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

on 2/9/15 8:32 am
Revision on 08/27/15

Oh no, this thing's coming out. This is my second band, and I'm through with it.  I can't do this anymore.  The benefits are no longer outweighing the drawbacks.  I just don't want the slip correcting itself before I've got proof to take to insurance to have a revision approved.  I'm tired of not being able to eat healthy foods reliably if I'm at an otherwise good restriction (meats can be a problem, fresh fruits and vegetables can be a problem, etc.), I'm tired of dreading the possibility of getting sick and vomiting for fear that I'll cause a slip, and I hate my band randomly deciding that today it won't tolerate XYZ.

Lap-Band 2007

Lap-Band Replaced 2011

APPROVED for revision to RNY! Awaiting surgery date!

Nic M
on 2/10/15 6:28 am

Wishing you the best of luck with the band removal. I doubt you have much to worry about... the slip isn't likely to correct itself any time soon.  I sure do understand what you're saying... the band isn't a great long term solution for most of us. It's hard to throw up and gag so often. It's not a fun way to go through life. Good luck to you. Hope all goes well. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 2/22/15 8:56 am - NAshville, TN

agreed! It's hard to explain to people why you haven't lost much weight when you are having trouble eating. They think that's a bonus for weight loss, but in my case what it means is I have trouble eating healthy foods. The tightness of my band allows sugary  or highly processed foods (if I go slowly) since they break down immediately. However, the healthy stuff like fruits, veggies and meats are extremely hard to do some days. Especially prior to dinnertime my band is too tight for solids, and by the time it loosens enough to eat, I want to eat whatever I know I can get down easily and quickly because I'm HUNGRY. (I try to make that things like cottage cheese and yogurt, but get bored and move on to ice cream,etc at times.)

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