i am back after a long time away

on 2/4/15 1:06 pm - Parker, CO

I havent been to the boards in a couple of years. I was banded 2-09 and am down almost 100 lbs. I am comfortable at my 150-160 fluctuation. I have been having horrible reflux and the omeprasole has not helped it is only at night and for the last 2 weeks i cannot keep anything down. saw my surgeon today and he took all of my 5cc's out of my band.. and i am scared to death. I way overate today. hoping it is a one day newness deal i really was afraid to get unfilled any much less all. dr tells me if i still have issues we may have to check to see if my band has slipped or shifted. i NEED my band..........

Happily banded since Feb 2009

Kate -True Brit
on 2/4/15 5:37 pm - UK

Fingers crossed the removal of saline helps. I had a milder version of reflux and just a small amount out worked for me. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Vivian Prouty
on 2/4/15 9:42 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Praying for you.   Try to measure your food and limit your intake while your fluid is out of your band.    I am not a bander but I've been told that if the band slips and the repair it that it will keep slipping ( not sure if that is true or not ).   That could be a question to address with your surgeon.    I pray it hasn't slipped for your sake.     Congrats on your 100 lb. loss.   I have a niece who lost 135 with her band.    Please keep us updated on what you find out and good luck to you with eating.   Please don't give in to stress eating right now though or you will regain.    Try to eat like you did with your fill.  BTW...I am a OH Support Group leader if your wondering why I'm on the band board.


Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 2/5/15 8:18 am

Congratulations on your Weight Loss  with the band

Hopefully by removing Saline the issues with Reflux will be resolved but in some occasions it's only temporary.

Bands don't  move when they slip it's actually the stomach that moves and usually it's  either posteriorly or anteriorly.

 Slips require surgical intervention of correcting the slip or removal of  the band.

Your not alone, many have experienced a band slip, and regain because the restriction is not longer present (usually)

 Banders experience reflux at a rate of 33% and Erosive Esophagitis 44% The cause is from internal Scar tissue that forms around the stomach and around the band.

 If necessary your Dr. may suggest an EGD later to check the band position if he doesn't do the fills under Fluroscopy

I've included a Link

Complications associated with adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity: a surgeon’s guide


Good Luck Finding Answers SOON !









on 2/5/15 10:37 am - Parker, CO

Thank you all for the support and encouragement. I have done pretty well today with my eating except for the small fry for lunch to go with my turkey and cheese. My surgeon did state that if i still have trouble keeping things down we would do a scope of some sort...i sure hope nothing is wrong with my bank I NEED IT

Happily banded since Feb 2009

B. simmons
on 2/5/15 11:12 am

Me too, I came back 10 minutes ago. I need to focus again.

B. simmons
on 2/5/15 11:17 am

Me too, I came back 10 minutes ago. I need to focus again. Don't be afraid, just be sure you have ur protein and workout if u can.

on 2/6/15 12:39 am

Sorry you are having trouble.  I have a suggestion that may help, focus on eating the right things (low carb, low fat..) and not worry so much about portions.  I am not saying go crazy and eat super large meals, but staying away from the "bad" stuff should help.  Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon and you can really get back on track.


on 2/6/15 4:52 am

Hi Linda, I'm nearly in the same boat.  Had surgery 3 yrs ago, down around 100#s.  Was having some reflux issues and this week had 2CCs of 5.5 removed.  I feel no restriction at all.  Its also strange and maybe psychological but my stomach feels different somehow - better.  I never felt too tight and my last fill was 21 months ago.  The Dr. said to wait to feel better (I'm guessing 2-4 weeks) and if I want a fill (I will!) to come back in and they'll do it under a fluoroscope to look for slips or anything else. I am trying to eat the same quantity of food but I can see it could be easy to eat so much more.  Trying to be mindful.

on 2/11/15 9:50 pm - Bath, ME

I am 6 years post surgery....This past year I got very sick and needed to get a substantial pill down...at some point I got 'stuck'...first time in 5 years!  Doc took out a lot of fluid and I was able to gain rapidly...once I was back to where I needed to be...I began loosing...I TOO NEED MY BAND...the band does not teach you control...it is a tool and I use it to its fullest.  I still walk/run 4-5 days a week to keep the weight off...so....deal with a little weight gain, but try to move more while you are waiting for a refill...

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and that is why they call it the present.

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