Old bandster

on 1/26/15 9:53 am - IN

Hey guys.  I was banded in 9/2009.  I weighed 340.  5 1/2 years later, I am 218 and have loved my band.  I was very active on this board for a year or so after surgery and then life and all its busy times took me other directions. About 6 weeks ago, I got a stomach virus and vomited several times.  The next day, I had difficulty getting liquids down and solids weren't even an option. I figured I had some inflammation so I finished that week on liquids. Mornings were a struggle but it was slightly improving. I called my surgeon and they couldn't get me in for 4 weeks.  Over that 4 weeks, I improved and the nighttime reflux went away completely.  I was pretty much back to normal. However, I saw my surgeon.  I do have a slip with mild esophageal dilation.  I go in tomorrow for what I assume will be a complete unfill.  Hopefully, everything will resolve.  I am a binge eater and my band did not stop that but it was a great tool to help me control it.  I do not want to lose my band.


Jackie G.
on 1/26/15 10:29 pm


I was banded in January 2008.  This last September I had a complete unfill due to being too tight.  I stayed empty for about four weeks and started getting re-filled and everything has healed well.  It is taking a while getting used to the eating, because I survived on soft foods for so long due to being too tight and afraid to admit it, but I am so thankful my band is okay!  I actually feel better now than I have felt in a long time.

Good luck and I hope it all goes back in place for you and you don't have to lose your tool!


on 1/27/15 12:25 am - IN

Thanks Jackie.  I went today and he took out 1 cc.  He felt this would be enough to resolve the problem.  We will reevaluate in 7 weeks. 


on 1/27/15 12:41 am

I am glad to see that there are others out there who still love their band. I was banded in 2008 and lost 80 pounds. I gained a few back, but have managed to keep my weight off. I have not been on here in a while myself and the board has totally changed since then. I appreciate all who do post their experiences (good & bad) because at least now we know what to look for if we do start having issues.

Zee Starrlite
on 2/2/15 6:17 am

Odd your doc did not give you a complete infill.  That is the way to go.  You need the pressure removed from your stomach and esophagus.


All Best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 1/27/15 12:44 am - IN

When I first came  here in 2009 this board was hopping with activity.  Many successful bandsters posted here. There have also always been people with complications.  I was surprised how much the board had changed when I came back.  I do love my band.  While I have not yet reached my goal weight, 120 lbs gone has changed my life dramatically and I want to keep it that way.


Kate -True Brit
on 1/27/15 12:51 am, edited 1/27/15 12:52 am - UK

I thought I had replied to this but my post isn't here!!

i have not personally had a problem but know oeople who had mild slips/dilation for whom an unfill,  or partial unfill resolved it.

i too still love my band! As do most of the people I know in real life. But there aren't many on OH these days! 

Edited for typos

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Dejah H.
on 1/29/15 1:45 am - Central, TX

I am happy that you are on the road to recovery, Denise. It is really nice to see more people posting on this board. I have had my band since March 2008, and I love it!

289 / 273 / 163.4 / 164   10cc AP Standard  my band! 


on 1/30/15 11:32 am - IN

Had my 1 cc unfill and I'm starving.  I don't think I've really been hungry in a very long time and suddenly I'm ravenous.  Hopefully, my body will adjust...don't need to gain weight during this unfilled time.



on 1/31/15 1:06 am
VSG on 03/25/16

Welcome back! I am still around just don't post as much as I used to. I try to get on a couple times a week just to stay caught  up on all the post. I am Still loving my band Had my 6th Bandiversary on the 21st. I hope the fluid they took out resolves your issue.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16

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