Have had lap band since 2007

on 1/18/15 7:21 am

hi I've been looking for a group that I can be included in.  I've had lap band since sep 07. Weighted 352 size 28.  Lost down to 187 size 12.  Very happy   In April  2012. Started  acid reflux  problems and aspirated in my sleep causing phemonia  almost Dieing cause swallowing was impossible  I had 4cc taken out and I regained my health back along with 60+ pounds I was so miserable to say the least felt I had let myself down in so many ways  didn't have the Will power anymore  a big disappointment. After several months of feeling sorry for myself  I led a life choice to hold my head high and travel the journey again I've had three small adjustments   I'm going slow I'm scared  put also brighter if that makes since.  Hen I started the adjustments I weighted in at 247  and today I'm down to 215. I am so excited to see this group it has inspired  me I truley hope some will friend me and I too can be a blessing  thank you Kathy. Meemaw50

Kate -True Brit
on 1/18/15 6:23 pm - UK

This is a very quiet group on a forum which is basically anti-band. Very few long term banded people post here these days. I am sending you a PM with suggestions of other groups you might wish to try. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/19/15 12:15 am

I have to agree this Forum is Anti-band because it was allowed to become that way. When it should have been able to SHARE BOTH views. Both, Good And Bad with a band.

Aspiration with a band as your aware is serious :( Thankful that your still here to share your experience.

 One thing to keep in mind with your band is that esophageal issues can also arise and should not be ignored as they can lead to long term complications as well.

I'd advise doing some research as well as finding a support group that can only tell you about personal experiences, because unfortunately most support groups do not wish to hear anything negative about a band. unfortunately complications happen, and people deserve to know what can/Does happen with a band , not just the "Oh, I've lost weight " part because most don't tell what they have had to endure to lose weight . And too often people feel like they caused their complications when that is the farther thing from the truth.

Good luck on your journey.

I'm adding a few links that may prove helpful :)









Judy A.
on 1/21/15 1:54 am
RNY on 01/08/15

Although I just had my band removed because of a chronic slip and now have RNY, I don't feel "anti-band" a I wished I could just get a new one.  Unfortunately, so many of us on this board are here because of problems with the band, I think you are not likely to find people who were able to keep the band forever.

good luck!


on 1/23/15 12:39 pm - Australia

Hi Judy, I was wondering if I you could PM you regarding your revision from band to RNY?  I am considering this route.


Judy A.
on 1/23/15 9:16 pm
RNY on 01/08/15

Absolutely!  I am very open and happy to share my experiences with anyone who has questions!


on 1/23/15 4:13 pm
VSG on 03/25/16

Congrats! to getting back on track.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16

on 1/28/15 6:06 pm - Ypsilanti, MI

Thank you for sharing your story it really encouraged me to get back in the game.  I to have been sick for the pass two years and unable to work out or even get out like years prior.  I  have gained 16 lbs back had my surgery in 2006 and this is my first real gain and im scared to death that i may not be able to get control of my situation.  I agree tht it is time for the pitty party and start over again doing what i know works.  thanks for the of positive encouragement.

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