Haven't had a fill in 3 years and gained most of my weight back - HELP!!

on 12/3/14 6:27 am

Hello Everyone, I had my lap band surgery in 2007. I started at 340 lbs and got down to 218 lbs. But during the last 3 years I've had some personal issues and as a result, I gained weight and I am currently 318 lbs. I haven't even had a fill in 3 years. I scheduled an appointment for a fill for this Friday. But I can eat almost anything and any amount without any issues. I just hope this fill works and i am able to lose weight again. Any suggestions? 

on 12/3/14 1:48 pm - Vancouver, WA

First and foremost I would have the surgeon check to make sure your band is in position and in good shape. Being able to eat anything could be the sign of an erosion. Once you have gotten it checked out then I'd do the fill and work at losing again altho at your weight they should have never given you a band because the band isn't really designed for great amounts of weight loss. There are a few who have accomplished several hundred pounds of loss but that is the exception rather than the rule.

Then go back to your band basics dense protein first, then veggies and lastly complex carbs if still feeling truly hungry. Take small bites and chew, chew, chew! Eat slowly, put your fork down between bites. Remember after a fill to do liquids and mushies until it feels OK to eat solid food again. The band is the most difficult of WLS and has very poor results for most people, so you might want to consider a revision too. Good luck to you!

Kate -True Brit
on 12/3/14 4:51 pm - UK

I'm being a bit lazy and the following is a copy and paste if my answer to a thread just a few below this!  

Make sure first if all your fill level is right - not to prevent you eating but to make you eat a bit more slowly. then do whatever worked for you  last time. My way might not work, I didn't journal or count, I just ate well!

But the key is protein first, then crunchy veggies, then carbs if room left. Eat a sensible amount and then walk away, didn't stay to pick! Snacks if any should be filling and nutritious

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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