Port Location - great problem to have!

on 10/29/14 4:10 am - Colorado Springs, CO

Congrats to you!!! That's awesome to lose all that skin! For me, it's not just ugly, it's a reminder of who I USED TO BE... the awful way I used to abused my body/ attempted to ease my emotional pain with food. This stomach skin has got to go. I am really hoping they can just do this all at once but if not, make the port incision below my belly button since all that skin is going bye bye. THANKS!

on 10/29/14 4:19 am

I had an anchor last year and mine is terrible also and it hurts it kind of pops in and out of place and I hit it on things and it has settled in the area that creases when I sit.  I have started a conversion with with Bariatric and Plastic doctors and they are planning on changing it out for the smaller one and re-positioning it.  The thing is when they first put it in it is surrounded by fat so it kind of shifts as you loose weight, mine flipped after I lost the first 60lbs.

The good thing is insurance will pay (usually, I have pain) for the port and your plastics doc should be able to get the other stuff done during that time so it saves you some money.


I had 10lbs removed and now have lost another 15 so I need a trim (since I have to go under anyhow).


Good luck!  


Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 10/29/14 6:20 am - Colorado Springs, CO

Congrats on your hard work. Mine is sutured in tight but I think that's part of what hurts when it get**** I hadn't even considered that I would lose some pounds when they take all that skin off. Have I mentioned that I love my band?

on 10/31/14 12:08 am

I love my band also! There are very few of us but we are still around.  


You know I had 10lbs removed and probably have around 3 lbs hanging around, but I really feel like it improved my circulation or something in that line. After I healed up (took nearly 2/3 months for me) my skin quality has improved, not only can I walk/job more but it seems for whatever reason what I am doing is working!  I think it may be a combination of not having to wear spanx every day, confidence, and my body being happy without the apron.  I need to get my bra area done because it is bad and hurts no matter what type of bra I wear.  

Good luck!!

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

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