Do I still need my band?
I am only a few pounds away from my ultimate goal weight; however, I would be happy if I maintained this weight for the rest of my life. I have just had a tummy tuck to remove 5 1/2 pounds of excess skin, and I am scheduled for an arm lift in December.
I have been completely unfilled since Aug. 13th (the day of my tummy tuck), and I have been maintaining my weight even without being able to exercise. I have an appointment for a fill on the 10th, but I have begun to wonder if I really need/want one. Do I really need my band anymore? It scares me to think of not having it, and I haven't had any issues with my band.
Anyone else had these thoughts?
If you haven't had any issues, I'd probably just bide my time, personally. (And this is coming from a person who kinda hates the band. I did not have a good experience with mine.)
I don't know that I'd even bother with the upcoming fill, if you're maintaining well as is. A looser band is a good idea. Congratulations on doing so well. It's not easy to get down to goal weight! Great job!
Continued luck to you. I hope your arm lift goes well, too.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I agree with Nic and I too had a bad band experience. If you can do it without a fill then don't bother starting the fill business again. The looser you can stay the less damage it can do to your stomach and esophagus. I went 2 years with mine empty before I had it removed and didn't gain any weight so if you can maintain without a fill do it!
It was in for 7 years but had problems with it tightening for about the last 4 yrs. As the scar tissue builds up it makes the band tighter over time to the point where even empty it is tight. My insurance wouldn't cover it so I will no doubt end up having to pay it but I couldn't deal with the pain anymore it was just too much! And correct I had no revision to another surgery.
My band experience has been superb. But I agree totally with the others - if you don't need a fill, don't get one. But August is only a short time ago! You may not need the band now but maintaining gets harder as time goes by - for most people, whichever surgery!
My first few years after reaching goal were fairly easy but since about six years post-op, it has got become progressively harder. Without my band, I would be back where I was before surgery.
In your shoes, but only you can decide this, I would leave the next fill but be prepared to get one in the future if self-control starts flagging.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
I would hold out, if you are not gaining and your appetite is under control I would wait.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16