I want the Band but Dr is steering me towards RNY or Sleeve

on 9/9/14 3:55 am
RNY on 08/26/14

About a year ago, I made the decision to have WLS. Like you, I was adamant that I wanted the Lap-Band and wasn't open to considering the sleeve or RNY at that time.  When I met with my surgeon for the 1st time, I told her that I wanted the Lap-Band, and she very bluntly said that I shouldn't have it because a person with my BMI (60) won't get good results with it.  She kept making a sales pitch for the sleeve, but I wasn't comfortable with that because of the permanent loss of my stomach.

Long story short, I had RNY on 8/26/14 after speaking with my cousin who had the same surgery a year prior. I also have a cousin who had the Lap-Band and had fantastic results with it.  While I made the decision to have RNY, I don't think you're wrong for wanting Lap-Band. Only you know your level of comfort and the amount of risk you're willing to take. Granted, your weight loss may be a bit slower compared to RNY and sleeve, but it's better than continuing to carry extra weight around.



on 9/9/14 9:00 am

NO matter what WLS you decide on Research them ALL. LB is removable NOT reversible,  complications  are at 60% and IF necessary you'll need a revision. MAKE sure your insurance doesn't have a 1 in a lifetime policy because if you've gotten the band that's your 1 in a LIFETIME. A revision is something you'd have to pay for.


Decide FIRST what your willing to live with and What your needs are concerning WLS. can you live with  a Restriction ONLY procedure =LB and Sleeve. Do you need that restriction AND Mal Absorption? + RNY and Duodenal Switch. DS has the Best long term WL  and best resolution for Diabetes,but does need consistent/diligent  care as the mal-absorption  factor can and will cause problems if your not on top of the  daily supplements necessary. Virgin Sleevers tend to have better WL if done first and not as a revision. I've included a few places to search in regards to the WLS'

A great place to Search as well is Facebook it has plenty of groups for ALL the above mentioned Wls'./

GOOD Luck in whatever you decide.









on 11/2/14 4:58 am - Chicago, IL

Thank you all so much for your experiences and opinions good or bad. After reading all of this, I still feel very unsure of which to choose. I do not have any issues with the upkeep on fills, etc for the band but I am concerned that it is being phased out. However, the Sleeve feels very drastic for me. One thing that the doctor said was that, because I have had a spleenectomy, from when I was 4 or 5 years old, that there might be a lot of scar tissue and that he may have to open me up ( and not do it laposcrpoically). This scares me and is only something that will be known when I am in the surgery. So that is also a factor for my decision. I think that I am going to go forward with approval for lap band and see how that plays out. My feeling is that, I can always change my mind and get approval for the sleeve if I decide to do that at some point BEFORE any surgery is performed.


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