Need Encouragement

on 8/8/14 2:02 am

I had Lap-Band surgery in Nov 2008.  Shortly after for many, at the time, valid reasons....that now only sound like excuses....I stopped going in for fills.  I have not been back to my Dr. in at over 4 years.  I have maintained about a 30 lb weight loss....but am still taking HBP and Diabetes meds....because I am still very overweight.  I'm ashamed of my lack of follow through and am hesitant to "start again!" 

Has anyone experienced something like this (or know of someone who has) and successfully restarted using the band and lost weight.  I'm afraid of starting and failing again....but lately I'm more afraid of not even trying.

Any word of advise of encouragement would be helpful!

Thank you.

Kate -True Brit
on 8/8/14 3:59 am - UK

I haven't personal experience of this but just wanted to offer you encouragement. You don't mention any issues other than not getting fills so here is my view.

You need to do this. Being obese and diabetic are at best affecting your quality of life; at worst they are life-threatening. Get your head round this. IF YOU DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT THE OUTCOME MAY BE FATAL. Now here I do know what I am talking about. I had a mini-stroke two weeks ago and need to lose a bit of regained weight, get my BP down and improve my cholesterol level. This is not a choice. Well, it is, but making the wrong choice may kill me.

And that has certainly made me focus on my food intake!

Get back to your doctor, maybe get a barium test to check the band out, get a fill.

Start eating band-style. I don't know what works for you - count calories, carbs, fats, whichever works. 

Tell yourself what might happen if you don't!

best wishes!

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 8/8/14 6:38 am - Vancouver, WA

I agree with Kate just jump back in the game and get back on track! Your surgeon no doubt has had experience with your situation before, you certainly aren't the only one who has gained and is embarassed to go back. Make an appointment with your surgeon or nutritionist and start journalling your food some place like my and keep track of what you are eating. I would suggest that for 1 week you eat just as you have been lately and put everything that crosses your lips down. Then go back and see where you need to make changes. This will show you exactly where you need to make adjustments. Then after you do that go back to protein first, veggies second and maybe a healthy carb if still hungry. Remember to take small bites, chew well and do not drink with meals. That should get you on your way to success again. Come back and keep asking questions if you need more help. Best of luck to you!

on 8/8/14 11:42 pm

I totally agree with what has been said.  You can do this!  Use the tool you went "under the knife" for.  Your doctor will probably be more understanding and helpful than you realize.  You won't be the first struggling patient to see him/her.  Is there a nutritionist involved with the surgery team?  If so, I highly recommend you see him/her.  The past is the past, move on and do what needs to be done.  As stated, obesity and diebeties are life threatening.  This is serious.  Please don't let some embarrassment keep you from getting help and using the tool you've got.  Keep us posted on how your doing.  Good luck and best wishes!

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