I need to know which direction I should I go

on 7/9/14 5:34 am

I would like information regarding the lap band.  I have insurance, but found out that they don't cover it.  My BP is pretty high, and I'm on medication for it, however, I'm still sitting at 142/99.  I can't afford 8k out of pocket for surgery. I'm 36 years old.  Im 5'4" and weighed in at 193lbs this morning.  I've been doing zumba for 4 months now, 3 days a week, and eating good.  (not the best, but still decent) In four months, I've only lost 1 pound.  I really need some help, and I think that surgery is my only other option.

I would like to know if doing this procedure at a teaching hospital is cheaper, or if I would be eligible for some type of weight loss study? 

Please help.

Bette B.
on 7/9/14 10:51 am

Dear help:

Your insurance doesn't cover the BAND, or doesn't cover ANY weight-loss surgery? If it covers SOME procedures, you may want to look into those, as you may have great results with them and not have to either forgo surgery or pay for it out of pocket.



Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Kate -True Brit
on 7/9/14 5:14 pm - UK

As Bette says. 

If you are already eating quite well but not losing, maybe you need to consider a surgery with a malabsorption element like bypass.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 7/16/14 4:01 pm

Hello,, i'm new to here as well.... my weight reached its highest 283 couple months ago.. before i started looking for an surgeon i started losing weight for the first time in my life threw a group on facebook.  I have lost 30 lbs aproximately.   I am going to go thru with the lapband surgery tho, as i have medicare and i know from experience i will need the extra help with the surgery due to not being able to breath etc, heart problems, underactive thyroid and diebetic type 2 as well.. so i do qualify thank the lord!   Any way i just want to share this group with you , it has helped me for the first time in almost 30 years...  https://www.facebook.com/groups/lowcarbchalleng


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