Checking in 3 Yeah BandAversary

on 6/15/14 3:41 pm - Davison, MI

Our centers removal rate is 30% and rising but, that doesn't include the ones they banded and went elsewhere to get them removed/revised.  A lot of bariatric centers have popped up in the area since '06 when out center handled the top 1/3 to 1/2 of the state.  A lot of our people have been able to get help closer to home.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 6/21/14 12:01 am

People with problems tend to post more than those of us who have had no problems. I have not had ANY problems sith my band at 3 years out and 111 pounds down! I believe people who have the sleeve lose much more quickly than people with the band. I had lost 105 lbs at one year. Also I believe complications arise with the band for non compliant patients unfortunately. The band does was not designed to PREVENT you from eating, but to satisfy you with much less food intake. 

Stephanie M.
on 6/21/14 4:08 am

Also I believe complications arise with the band for non compliant patients unfortunately

This is one of the most prevalent misconceptions around banding...there are many situations in which one can be completely compliant and still suffer complications:

1: banding carries a 3% risk of the surgeon placing it improperly.  Proponents like to tout the .5% peri operative risk as a reason to cite banding as safer, but fail to notice this fact that the mfr notes in their own disclosures.

2: what are the odds that you will never get a stomach virus, food poisoning, pregnant or develop gallbladder problems that lead to severe vomiting?  It's just not a realistic expectation and is one of the primary causes of band slips.  I had severe nausea and vomiting following my band implantation, GB removal and band removal.  In addition, I had 3 episodes of vomiting while banded.  I didn't have a slip because my band was misplaced (see #1) on my esophagus and couldn't actually vomit anything up because of that...I still can't.  All the anti nausea medication in the world can't help 100% of the people 100% of the time.

3: the removal rate is approaching 50% within 3 years. Why would anyone sign up for this today?  There are better options available.  

4: most band revisions are to VSG with good results and few complications.  Those who've had severe esophageal damage and/or extensive scar tissue have to revise to RNY or aren't able to revise at all.  Most removals and revisions are due to slips (see #2), erosion or esophageal damage (see #1).

5: average excess weight loss is between 40-60%, the lowest of all the options available.  I was fine with this...many are not.  Often someone will post expecting to lose 100% EW, even though they "researched".  I lost 64%, an excellent result, but I lost the opportunity to revise and much of my esophageal function.  I also have cardiac arrythmia attributed to vagus nerve damage from the band.


As you can see, there are many band failures and complications that cannot be attributed to noncompliance.   

I'm very happy for you...I wish you continued success.  I also hope you reconsider your opinion about compliance.  It's hurtful to those of us who had the same opinion and unfortunately were wrong.  IMHO, it's just wrong to add insult to injury.



  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 6/20/14 11:56 pm

YES!!!!! I WOULD do the band all over again! I was banded 3 years ago.  I've lost 111 pounds and maintained that for 1 1/2 years!!! I have had zero problems with my band. Surgery was a breeze, recovery no big deal, and weight loss slow and steady!! LOVE, LOVE! LOVE my band! Good luck to you!

on 6/21/14 4:53 am

for the OP, (original poster)...please just do yourself a favor and research the other WL surgeries.  I am having my band removed next month and cannot wait.

To highland...I am one of those who went by the Lap Band rules and still have complications.  It isn't for everyone.  But it is nice to see those of you who are happy with it and who did well with it.  I did not go into it thinking it would stop me from eating, I went into it wanting a tool to help me with the portion control.  And I do not take responsibility for the band becoming more of a problem than a help.

When I had the band done, I was not aware of the sleeve or DS, only RNY and was not a fan of re-routing my insides.  I feel now that the band can be best used n the lightweights who only have around 50 pounds or less to lose and cannot do it or keep it off without a tool.  Had I known about the sleeve or DS, I would never have chosen the band!

Both sides should be fair in their assessment of the lap band and all other surgeries available.

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



on 6/12/14 12:01 pm - Flowery Branch, GA

Congrats!!! Great job maintaining!!!

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