Lap Band Post op recovery

on 4/26/14 4:19 am

I had Lap Band April 21st in Mexico.  I am 5 days post op.  I am struggling with the post op and recovery.  I have a lot of pressure in my stomach and "gas pain"?  (that's what everyone says it is anyway)
Most of the day I am burping a lot after I take in anything...but each evening same time it starts with the pressure and then my mouth waters and I feel the need to throw up...I throw up ALOT of air. ( I call it throwing up because it isn't just a burp, it is forced out with gagging)  Two of the 3 nights I felt relief from this, last night not so much.  The pain feels like its spreading my ribs apart through my back.  Its very uncomfortable and near unbearable. 

Also having muscle cramping in my stomach, doesn't seem associated with my sutures but its also so painful.  Its like a stitch and takes my breath away.
Im frustrated and worried. 
Also curious what others took for pain meds and how long there recovery was?  (how long until you felt somewhat normal again)
I guess I just read that recovery was fairly quick and people were back to work in a week.

Any help/feedback is very much appreciated.

on 4/26/14 4:39 pm

Sorry you are having pain.

Homestly, I told liquid extra strength Tylenol for pain ... And nothing else.

I was discharged about 4 hours post op and went home and slept for a few hours.

After that, I walked and sipped water all evening, then took Tylenol and went to bed.

I used a heating pad and lots of pillows to make myself comfortable, but I was up and driving myself to the library and grocery store the next day.

I took a week off, but could have been back to work in 3 days.


on 4/28/14 2:51 am

Thanks for your reply.
I finally, day 6 post op had to take some T1s, and it was wonderful.
Today is day 7 and so far the gas pains have been minimal.  Maybe Its coming to an end. 

Kate -True Brit
on 4/27/14 10:09 pm - UK

I was like Kath. But we are all different in how we react to these things. The best way to get rid of gas is by moving around as much as possible. Usually by 5 days post-op it has cleared so it might be sensible to phone be your doctor to check. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/27/14 11:22 pm

The gas pains were bad. I used the quick dissolve gas x strips. And liquid Tylenol. But I honestly didn't have too much pain. I would touch base with your doc and let them know how you are feeling


on 4/28/14 2:56 am

Thank you,
I apparently am one of those Atypical when it comes to recovery.
Because I had my surgery in Mexico I don't have a surgeon that I can call but I am seeing my GP today.  Was the soonest I could get in.
Thankfully some of the pain has subsided so far today.  Yesterday was rough and after using Ketorlac (crap) I took a couple T1s and it was so helpful.

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