on 4/25/14 1:16 pm - Vancouver, WA

I bet you'll get there tho, it can't be as bad as with the stupid band. I'm still having problems and swallowing is still kinda hard. Set to see a gastro in the near future, still can't tell if it's internal from the band or external from a spinal fracture in Dec. that didn't heal quite as well as I'd hoped. This getting old gets tougher everyday! You keep at tho girl cause you are looking fantastic! Bet you and hubby get lots of exercise chasing each other around now. lol

Nic M
on 4/25/14 2:49 am

Coincidental that you should mention this. Since band removal almost 9 years ago, I get bouts of what they refer to as "machine gun sneezing" from the damage to my diaphragm and the vagus nerves. At times I'll sneeze so hard and so often that I'll pass out. The other night I had one of these episodes and sneezed so hard that I bit both sides of my tongue, causing it to bleed profusely... and then I must have aspirated fluid into my lungs because I felt like I had pneumonia the day after (and I still have that heavy, fluid feeling in my lungs.)  It's disappointing because I had assumed that I'd be healed from the complications the band caused by now. But I still have ulcers, hiatal hernia, gastritis and nerve damage. Doesn't seem to be going away. 



 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 4/25/14 5:48 am - Vancouver, WA

The gift that just never stops giving!  Thank you Allergan!

Nic M
on 4/25/14 7:21 am

I have Inamed to "thank."  They all suck... all the manufacturers of bands know that they're crap. But they sure do make some money. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 4/26/14 3:11 am - Louisville, KY

Hmm.I have this many times.Should I worry?


on 4/26/14 7:07 am - Huntsville, AL
Revision on 04/29/13

I would just be aware and if you start having some serious coughing or breathing problems, ask your doc!  :)


Began journey in 2007 at 312, had Lap band 2008, lost 40 pre-op then 24 post op, regained to 319.  Lost 39# on my own, then revised to VSG 4/29/13 @ 280.


elizabeth H.
on 4/26/14 8:30 am - SF, CA

I am in gimme gimme gimme mode, hoping for advice.  I was banded 9 years ago with mild success.  At about 4 years in I started exercising daily - double cardio sessions 1 hour to 1 hr 15 minutes each and 800 cals or less a day.  The results were super - how could they not be?  But, they had nothing to do with the band and everything to do with me.  My job and life changed and that 6 months of exercise superhero behavior stopped and the weight started creeping back on.  It's been about 5 years and for the last 4 years my cough has been rough.  Who knows if I will ever get a decent night of sleep.  The degree of coughing goes from mild to full blown aspiration.  My upper GI did not indicate any slippage or erosion.  My band is now empty and the problems persist.  Let's be real the coughing is bad, but the associated bladder leakage is just plain embarrassing.  At night it's several elephant pads in hopes of not wetting the bed.  There are times when my reflux is so bad that I immediately throw everything up, even water.  My food choices are just plain horrible.  Bring on the slippery foods and anything with mayo so that it will go down.  I'm usually not hungry, I'm usually bloated, even 1st thing in the morning. The joy or satiety of eating is completely lost - yet I keep eating arrrggghh.  My provider, Kaiser will remove the band but they are not supporting a revision.  What pointers do you have for a revision, what other groups or forums are there that might have advice

on 4/26/14 10:01 am - Vancouver, WA

You need to get the band out ASAP before it does permanent damage if you are throwing up and aspirating, that can kill you! Worry about a revision later, just get the band out sooner rather than later or you are just asking for serious trouble.

on 4/27/14 1:34 am - Louisville, KY

I have an Dr.apt in 10 days will let him now that I have a running nose many times when I eat.I have no cough tho,just a running nose.

Karen D.
on 5/2/14 5:29 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15

I always heard the runny nose is a sign you're full.  Also if you let out a "sigh".  Interesting information.  I see my doc at the end of the month and am feeling more and more that I may do the revision if my insurance will pay.  Time will tell.

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