PB's, Sliming, and unsupportive family...

on 4/6/14 8:10 am
Lap Band on 12/05/13

This is kind of a rant as well as asking how YOU handle it...

I had Lap Band in early December '13.  I'm down 30 lbs as of this morning, but I still have a hard time with the chew chew chew swallow; I mentally forget I have restrictions and eat incorrectly.  Then I have pain, and the food has to come up.    

Lately when this happens I have to "hide" the fact I'm hurting because my SO has been getting upset in an angry way that I can't eat like him.  It's turning unsupportive and it hurts.  

Just wondering who else out there is having these problems and how you all deal with it...

5'4" HW 241   First GW: 165  Banded: 12/05/13 @ 233 

First Fill: 12/16/2013 4cc // Second Fill 3/12/14 1.5cc // Fill Reduction 3/17/14 -.5cc // Total 5cc


Stephanie M.
on 4/6/14 10:42 am
On April 6, 2014 at 3:10 PM Pacific Time, jurnee wrote:

This is kind of a rant as well as asking how YOU handle it...

I had Lap Band in early December '13.  I'm down 30 lbs as of this morning, but I still have a hard time with the chew chew chew swallow; I mentally forget I have restrictions and eat incorrectly.  Then I have pain, and the food has to come up.    

Lately when this happens I have to "hide" the fact I'm hurting because my SO has been getting upset in an angry way that I can't eat like him.  It's turning unsupportive and it hurts.  

Just wondering who else out there is having these problems and how you all deal with it...

Before you sit down to eat, weigh, cut up otherwise prepare your food so you can relax and enjoy your SO's company.  Put your fork down between bites. This should help.  Prevention is key here, because the real problem isn't your SO's reaction to your pbs, it's the pbs themselves.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Kate -True Brit
on 4/6/14 7:43 pm - UK

As Stephanie says. Too many PBs risk doing damage. There is no easy way round this, you have to learn how to eat. It might also be you are a bit too tight. PBs should be rare. We all get it wrong sometimes but it should not be regular. If the band prevents you eating a normal diet, at a sensible speed and without pain, it is over-filled. It should not physically stop you eating, 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/7/14 3:57 am - Vancouver, WA

What they both said, it is easy to develope band bulemia. If you are PBing that much you must change something, either how you are eating or how tight your band is.

on 4/7/14 11:17 am, edited 4/7/14 11:18 am - Davison, MI

Ditto!  The band is to tight or you need to eat smaller, eraser sized pieces and chew to liquid before swallowing.

Just a question based on your fill history, are you sure you didn't get a "prime" fill at surgery?  Most surgeons do and your fill level would be more.  Also it looks like you got a fill at only two weeks.  Most make you wait until 6 weeks out.  Four cc would be a very large fill unless they didn't put any in at surgery.  Just trying to think of answers for you.  

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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