Banded in 05

NanaB .
on 4/7/14 2:40 am, edited 4/7/14 3:05 am

You are correct, ANY type of lap band CAN slip or erode, however you rarely find any NEW lap banders with esophageal dilations and other issues that the older bands had that were due to higher pressure. Can those with the newer 10cc/14cc bands have these same issues?Sure, if they keep the band so tight until it causes misery, pressure and vomiting, or if the surgeon installed it wrong from the git-go.

It takes a WHOLE lot of abuse for a 10cc/14cc band to have issues, and trust me many abuse the band a great deal vomiting/purging many times a day, it was one girl on her UTUBE video admitted to vomiting about 50 times a day......I never thought that was possible for a human being to vomit that many times day -- and if someone has a eating disorder the lap band can be disaster...

If I HONESTLY saw GREAT LONG TERM results from the Sleeve, and it did not cause horrific reflux and (hypoglycemica that scares me more) , I would have dumped my lap band when I had the opportunity when I had my band replaced, Also I've seen TOO MANY that did not lose 1 pound or barely nothing after they revised to the Sleeve, too big of a risk to lose my stomach forever.


Also, another thing how is telling the SIDE EFFECTS of the Sleeve dis-crediting it? It is WELL Known and documented that the Sleeve can cause very bad reflux and burning, and it is VERY COMMON, some have it so bad they have to revise to the bypass to get relief , that is a fact, and that number is growing. MANY ARE VERY HAPPY to report the SIDE EFFECTS OF THE LAP BAND, SLIMING, PBING if you goof and eat too much or too fast or keep the band too tight....

I know if you are bitter about the band, it's easy to exaggerate issues with it, or fail to lose weight, trust me it's hell to lose weight with the band, I've had many sweat days, of walking my @ss off to lose weight and keep it off, but it's my hard earned weight loss, and the band is just here to help keep my portions small, that's all I ask of it,

I had my last fill about 6 months ago, and I am still going strong with good restriction and hopefully I never ever have to have my port touched again, I've only spent $100 dollars total with my new band...I only take 1 mutli-vitamin and 1 vitamin D...and life is good for me, (knock on wood), so I think the cost for my band is REALLY LOW compared to other surgeries with NEEDED vitamins and Lab work, and seeing other docs for ailment.  So my new surgeon is not making any money off of got his money when he fixed me from my insurance if you get a good surgeon to install the band, the cost for upkeep is close to nothing.

on 4/7/14 8:35 am, edited 4/7/14 8:39 am

SERIOUSLY? what Fairy Tales are you reading. The New bands Do have all the problems you mention OR why else would they state that right in the manufacturer literature?

old/new it's STILL a High Pressure RESTRICTIVE ONLY surgery.

Anyone *****ads your posts needs a trampoline you jump from loving your band to never wanting a sleeve to wanting a sleeve if it didn't have the side effects My head is spinning.So many compare losing their stomachs to the sleeve GUESS what it Happens with the Band, but everyone ignores the warning about erosion.

BUT If someone wants the band I tell them to research it BUT ALSO Research ALL the other Surgeries because sometimes you aren't going to get a 2nd chance. AND DO what is best for THEM, not just because I say so I don't have that much power, some ppl think they do I'm no one of those people

Well be Honest, you wanna talk about the Sleeve complications BUT NEVER mention all the Band complications  or when you do, you make excuses. OR blame the person with a band for their problems. Everyone of the complications that you mentioned with a sleeve are EXACTLY the same as a band. Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding and Hypoglycemia

Actually from your post you apparently know nothing about me   I'm NOT bitter I just choose to Help others. and you Know what they say about ASSUMING things

Just one last Question, Did you get bored of that other wonderful website that you used to talk about or did they get tired of spinning in circles








NanaB .
on 4/7/14 10:15 am, edited 4/7/14 10:19 am

A number of corrections, :

1. Since I've had a lap band almost 9 years, I have never experienced hypoglycemia or have heard of ANY others complain about this REGULARLY. However this is VERY COMMON with Sleeve and the Bypass, it's so common they were doing trial studies on its complication. Remember Diabetics and others can get hypoglycemia WITHOUT weight loss surgery, it's a life threatening complication if not treated.

Dumping symptoms and incidence of hypoglycemia after provocation test at 6 and 12 months after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

 Sleeve Study on the issue: -


The reason Sleeve and Gastric Bypass patients suffer from hypoglycemia (dumping like syndrome) is caused by rapid stomach emptying, this happens WITH ALL STOMACH STAPLING weight loss surgeries, the Sleeve stomach is stapled and so is Gastric Bypass. My older sister had her stomach stapled almost 30 years ago and she  has debilitating hypoglycemia and she fears for her life, she says it has gotten worse, she got her surgery when she was only 22 years old, now is 55. 

The lap band DOES NOT CAUSE RAPID emptying, the food slowly empties from the esophagus to the stomach. Also the new Allergan Bands are NOT high pressure, I lived with a high pressured band (4cc) over 7 years, and you could feel the pressure when the band was are NOT the same

The three generations of LAP-BAND® adjustable gastric band are:

* The 9.75/10 LAP-BAND System
* The LAP-BAND VG System

The first generation, LAP-BAND 9.75/10, was released in 2001. It featured one single inner balloon with a 260-280 degree fill radius and a 4cc fill volume.

The second generation, LAP-BAND VG, was released in 2004. It featured a inner balloon comprised of 6 baffles (mini reservoirs) with a 280-300 degree fill radius and a 10cc fill volume.

The current version, LAP BAND AP, was released in 2007 and is the most advanced adjustable gastric band system. It features a low pressure inner ring that is soft and pre-curved with 7 baffles (mini reservoirs) and a 360 fill radius. There are two band sizes (AP Standard, 10cc and AP Large, 14cc) and two port sizes (11.9mm or 14.7mm profile) enabling placement to be tailored to an individuals anatomy.

Regarding that "Other lap band site" I only post there every blue moon, I really don't like the format, it's hard to follow and read, I am a software developer and it aggravates me to navigate that site, also the people there are TOO PRO BAND, LIKE this SITE is TOO ANTI BAND. I'd just like a site where most of the people told the truth..LOL...and did not have hidden agenda's regarding their issues try to shove a particular surgical type down everyone's throat.

Believe it or not I am NOT a lap band cheerleader, I am an honest consumer, if I have a problem with my band I will scream it out, but I don't hide issues or exaggerate issues, this does nothing for any new people researching any perspective weight loss surgery. Some have agendas and have a campaign to say bad things about the lap band because they are bitter, I am not bitter, I did not pay a dime for lap band number 1 , nor did I pay a dime for lap band number 2, my insurance paid 100 percent for both. I don't believe I would have paid cash for either.

If I get spare time, I may create my own site where people can discuss REAL HONEST issues with their surgeries, rather than suppress issues

I am a realist and use common sense and do my homework on complications and how each weight loss surgery impacts day to day life...LONG TERM, I don't care about quick weight loss, I care about what happens 5-15 years later and the quality of my life, I can also ditch my lap band if it cause me issues...LOL.,

Peace out until next time....probably a few months or next year..LOL...I don't get time to get on here like I use to, life is good for me now.




on 4/7/14 11:35 am

I can Only hope!! I, I, I, I, ME,ME, ME, ME, ME.. ever wonder why I'm the only one that replies to your posts?







on 4/8/14 12:02 pm, edited 4/8/14 12:43 pm - Davison, MI

Annie she has everyone blocked so she can post without us seeing what she is posting.  Only when you respond to her, it is always obvious when you are, and we sigh out can we see what she posted.


The statements she makes are so far off and skewed.  The sleeve doesn't dump fast as the pyloric valve controls the contents of the stomach leaving and this is left intake.  Now sugar does bother me and makes me feel ucky but the food stays with me AND NOT stuck up in my throat were food doesn't belong.  

I also didn't have reflux before the band and had HORRIBLE reflux with the band were I had to sleep sitting up.  That was with getting fluid removed every month the last nine months.  And, yes, that was with a NEW 10cc band.  After the band was removed the reflux was gone for the most part. I did have some permanent damage from the band.

I just shouldn't sign out and read.  Just upsets me that the newbie**** on the one person telling the about the rainbow and unicorns that they want to believe.  We have some long time banders that do well and can be realistic. I'm glad they are here for those banded that need good advise.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/14 1:59 pm

Hi, I know what you are going through is not easy. You have to make the best decision for you. I have been back in forth for months between the band and the sleeve. Thank you for making the statement "I DO know the band works, and works wonders." Best Wishes on your revision surgery, keep us updated 

Nic M
on 4/9/14 7:13 am

The band doesn't really "work wonders" if you can only keep it in your body for less than a decade. What happens when it has to come out?  Get fat again? Pay for a new band when insurance doesn't pay for it? I got fat again AND I have tons of damage that I hadn't had before. Being fat again wouldn't really be that big of a deal, to tell the truth. It's the pain and damage the band caused that really bums me out. 

 You still have time to research more. I hope you take advantage of that. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 4/6/14 4:17 am - Vancouver, WA

Best of luck to you and don't let NaNa scare you off of the sleeve, it is an excellent surgery and I only know of a couple of people who have had problems with it. I guess everyone she knows has had problems, eh? She's a silly person who doesn't seem to realize that even tho she has me blocked all I have to do is sign out and I can read what she writes!

Yes bands can work but often people have the same problems you do. My band was completely empty for over 2 years and yet it again got too tight(scar tissue). I finally had to have it removed (at my expense probably, insurance exclusion) but the pain was unbearable and I could barely swallow. The pain is gone but I still have some problems swallowing, it may be GERD altho I never had a problem with it after my hernia was repaired when the band was put in. No hernia now either so it pretty much has to be from the band. So you are far from alone. I suggest you read on the sleeve forum so you will know what kinds of things to expect, they are very nice over there and will be glad to help you. By the way, no I do not have a sleeve either. I would if I could but due to other health issues I don't dare have anything but life saving surgery so WLS is out of the question. It's back to good old dieting for me.

Cassie C.
on 4/7/14 2:17 am - Jacksonville, FL

I was banded in 2007 and like you it worked great for awhile.  Since then I've been experiencing most of the same issues as you described above.  My original surgeon just kept telling me it was all because I wasn't doing the right things.  Was I a perfect patient no but, HE never wanted to admit that maybe I needed a revision to something different.  Best thing for me was that he left town.  I now have a  new surgeon and I am working towards getting the sleeve instead.  So thankful I found this post. I helped to reaffirm my choice. 



on 4/8/14 12:34 pm - Davison, MI

My center thought I was the "perfect" band patient.  The PA's knew what real problems I had.  That said when I started the fight to get the insurance to cover the cost of removal and revision with them going to a Once in a Life time Policy as I was trying.  The rest of the crew at the center started treating me like a Psych case.  (We had gotten a new NUT, Receptionist and Insurance person that have power issues.)

The PA asked me what they had found and how thing were going after I had the band removed.  She had other patient making the same complaints as I had.  The official stand at the center was the same as your surgeon, we aren't doing something right.  We don't have a single bander left at the support meetings and we used to have a band only support group.  They dis-banded as they had so many issues and it made it hard for them to sell the band to newbies with almost the whole group not doing well.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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