LB issues with menstral cycle

on 4/1/14 1:09 am

Hi everyone! I had my WLS about 2 years ago. The first year was amazing! I lost almost 100 pounds and was feeling amazing! At this time I had an IUD and wasn't menstruating. My weight loss was consistent and I couldn't have been happier.

December of 2013 I had a period out of the blue. The morning after I had started I went to go have some oatmeal for breakfast. I took one bite and it was stuck! I couldn't swallow my spit and I was constantly dry heaving/throwing up stomach acid. I finally went to have some of the saline taken out, and they ended up admitting me to the hospital (for dehydration) and took ALL my saline out. I cried. I was so sad. The dr suspected that my periods had returned because of my weight loss.

Long story short - It has been over a year now of putting saline in, and then having to take it back out during "shark week". Putting it in, taking it out. I have put back on 30 pounds and I am a big fat ball of sad. The LB Dr. doesn't want to keep adjusting the band in fear of it slipping - but it isn't even close to what it was my first year. What do I do?!?! I thought 2 years down the road I would have had my tummy tuck and I would be rocking it! And now I can't fit into my summer clothes that I wore last year.

Pep talk? Advice? Please help. I really really really want to loose my weight!!!



Kate -True Brit
on 4/1/14 6:51 pm - UK

Feeling much tighter during TOTM is really common. Many people retain fluid and the band is over living tissue. 

I have never heard of quite so dramatic a change though. How tight is your band normally? Apart from during menstruation, I assume you are able to eat normally, rarely PB, eat all foods?

it does sound as if you might have to compromise. Keep your band as loose as you can while still having an effect but loose enough not to totally close up during periods. And just accept that you need care during your periods. 

Alternatively, unless you are hoping to get pregnant, how about a contraceptive which stops periods? 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/7/14 8:47 am

Hi! Thank you for your response. Before I started having issues with my band I was at 10cc out of 14! It was perfect. My sweet spot. Currently I am at an 8. When I am on my period - it is at the perfect restriction, but it is the other three weeks that I can eat anything!! :( And I don't like that at all. They started me on some progesterone to try to stop my periods, but we are on month three and I am still having them. :( It is so frustrating.

Nic M
on 4/2/14 1:56 am

Inflammation. Blerg.  It's a huge issue with banding. A lot of times, around the 2 year mark, it starts becoming problematic, especially. It's not uncommon from my experience.  Sorry you're experiencing it. 

Are you only having issues during your period?  Maybe there is some sort of anti-inflammatory you can take? I'm not sure how it might affect your guts, though. Maybe ask your doc for some advice. If it's only during that time of the month, maybe you can make it work and get back to losing weight? 

Good luck. Hope you get it sorted out. 

on 4/7/14 8:49 am

Thank you for your help. (See my above response) But yes, I am trying so hard to figure something out so I can loose some weight. It's crazy how down it makes me sometimes. I am grateful that I have lost what I have - but I know there is so much more to go. Thank you for your help. I need it!! :) :)


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