Gastric Sleeve vrs Lap Band please HELP!!!!

on 3/19/14 6:24 pm

I had been advised to join this forum 2 years ago and simply chose not to join. However, I did follow the posts. I apologize that you took the post negatively. I am 6 days post op and have had severe negative consequences of this band in those 6 days. As stated previously, my body simply doesn't agree with it. However, upon reading 100's of other posts in this very forum it seems that I am spot on with my symptoms. I insulted no one so your insult is quite unnecessary. You are free to feel however you feel about any WLS in the world and so am I. I simply informed this user to think long and hard about her choice. I am a troll for that? I am a troll because I am sick and in pain with this band daily? Take your time reading posts before forming negative opinions of them. This forum is here to help people make informed decisions and for support. You're not providing either. 

on 3/20/14 1:02 am

Hold on, no need to start bad posts.

I also have the same question KGG about you only being 6 days out but am not calling you a troll.  I have to say, if indeed that is the case with you, something is wrong.  You should not even be on solid foods and having that sort of agony 6 days out doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  If you ARE in that sort of agony, you need to speak to your surgeon immediately.  Maybe he put too much fluid in for the initial fill.

It took me 1 1/2 years to gain any sort of decent restriction and losing only 79 pounds in a 2 year period, 40 of that being from the pre-op diet, is not a good indication of the band performing well for me.

Whatever the case here, as I said, if you are that much agony, call your surgeons office now. 

Good luck.  :)

on 3/20/14 1:01 pm
On March 20, 2014 at 8:02 AM Pacific Time, 56sunShine14 wrote:

Hold on, no need to start bad posts.

I also have the same question KGG about you only being 6 days out but am not calling you a troll.  I have to say, if indeed that is the case with you, something is wrong.  You should not even be on solid foods and having that sort of agony 6 days out doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  If you ARE in that sort of agony, you need to speak to your surgeon immediately.  Maybe he put too much fluid in for the initial fill.

It took me 1 1/2 years to gain any sort of decent restriction and losing only 79 pounds in a 2 year period, 40 of that being from the pre-op diet, is not a good indication of the band performing well for me.

Whatever the case here, as I said, if you are that much agony, call your surgeons office now. 

Good luck.  :)

I'm not on solid foods yet. But my body is having an allergic reaction to the band itself. Atleast this is what my local ER thinks. I've already contacted my surgeon and have an appointment scheduled. I was making reference to 100's of others (including my brother) who cannot eat certain fruits long term and are constantly vomiting in public & private. My uncle eventually just had to have it removed because of the damage it had done. Yes, they both lost some weight. But both also regained after having the band removed due to complications. There are literally 100's other posts stating this exact same thing happened to them. I was hopeful that the band would agree with my body. It doesn't so now I realize that VSG would have been a better fit for me. I just didn't appreciate being beat up on by others simply because I was stating the truth of my situation. It is what it is regardless of how long it's been. Thank you :-)

Kate -True Brit
on 3/19/14 6:23 pm - UK
On March 20, 2014 at 1:07 AM Pacific Time, KGG wrote:

I was banded almost 6 days ago so I am fresh to all of this. I had been wanting the band for several years prior to surgery. One year out, I also battled with sleeve vs. band. The only reason I opted for the band is because I had more time to become comfortable with my decision to have the band knowing it was reversible if my body disagreed with it. Now I regret it with every breath in my body. This foreign object in my body is obstructing my airways and I am in pain every single day. Every single day has been uncomfortable. I'm in no way mourning the loss of food. I am mourning being comfortable and free of pain. With the sleeve (although it's permanent) your body will eventually heal and there will be no foreign objects inside of you choking you and clawing at your esophagus and chest! Bands work for some people. But I am simply not one of them. I was so afraid of losing 2/3rds of my stomach forever that I chickened out and reverted back to the band the day before the surgery. However, talk to your surgeon because they can modify and make your remaining pouch larger to accommodate you long term with the sleeve. But to live long term fearing choking on fruits with skin (grapes, apples & even stringy pineapples)? Doesn't seem like a wise choice looking back. To live long term fearing choking on any food or vomiting in public places or in private was not a wise choice for me. I can be bulimic all by myself. I don't need the band for that. Please take every single day and think about your choice. Although one is reversible and one is not, one may truly be worth the surgery and one can simply be a mistake. No one has ever had the band removed and didn't regain the weight. VSG is where my my mind is but I am definitely taking my time about making the decision this time. Don't do anything until you are 100% ready and confident. Good luck with everything! :-)

I am sorry but at 6 days out, this is simply silly! Take a deep breath! Sx days after any surgery you would not feel good! 

I have never choked on anything in eight years! I eat all fruits. And my band has never "clawed " at my chest!! I am not bulimic! In any way! I have never vomited in public.  I do, very rarely, bring back a mouthful of food if I eat too fast but always have time to get to somewhere private. 

things can go wrong. With ANY surgery. My very good friend who is sleeved has severe reactive hyperglycaemia and is going to have to live with it for life. Another friend almost died and was in hospital for months after bypass. 

You may be one if the unlucky ones! I am not saying the band does not have complications, I am not saying that many people do not have issues, but second-guessing it six days post-op really is a bit pointless! 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 3/19/14 6:28 pm

Thank you very much for your reply. "Silly" is simply unkind. I've been to the ER 6 times in 6 days and it seems that the band is causing some type of allergic internal reaction. Coupled with other typical postop issues, I'd say that my post is anything but silly. I don't understand why I am being jumped on because I am posting my true honest account of my life and experience with my WLS regardless of how long it's been. I guess I should wait for several more years before being entitled to an opinion of it? Reading others' posts where they were 1-7 days postop helped me when I was in the midst of my decision. Some posts stated they were A okay and others not so great. But the point is, they were entitled to speak on their experience. As am I. The only pointless post is the one not made.

Kate -True Brit
on 3/19/14 6:32 pm - UK
On March 20, 2014 at 1:28 AM Pacific Time, KGG wrote:

Thank you very much for your reply. "Silly" is simply unkind. I've been to the ER 6 times in 6 days and it seems that the band is causing some type of allergic internal reaction. Coupled with other typical postop issues, I'd say that my post is anything but silly. I don't understand why I am being jumped on because I am posting my true honest account of my life and experience with my WLS regardless of how long it's been. I guess I should wait for several more years before being entitled to an opinion of it? Reading others' posts where they were 1-7 days postop helped me when I was in the midst of my decision. Some posts stated they were A okay and others not so great. But the point is, they were entitled to speak on their experience. As am I. The only pointless post is the one not made.

You are of course entitled to say anything and I am sorry you have problems. I hope they get resolved.

but my point is, it is simply too early to judge. A regular poster on here has just gone through weeks of hell after her sleeve operation. We get regular threads from people after all surgeries who have been re-admitted to hospital or who are in awful pain. 

Give it time! Maybe you are correct about this being disastrous for you, but it is only six days after a major operation. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 3/21/14 5:37 am

I had the lap-bank in on Dec. 9th, 2013.......had to have it removed Dec. 26th, 2013!  17 DAYS! 23lbs lost, but 17 DAYS! NEVER AGAIN will I have a WLS!!  My body also rejected the band and I WAS ALLERGIC to the product!!  Do not take what all these other banders are saying to heart You know your body, you know when something isn't right!  I felt amazing for the first 5 days of surgery, on the 6th day, I woke up having trouble breathing, severe chest pain, swelling in the throat and a red severe rash all over my body. I had a fever, and was itching so badly that I made myself bleed. 

I called my surgeon and he said to get into the ER ASAP! When I got there they said I was in fact allergic to "Something" but didn't know what and it could not possiably be the band.  They gave me benidryl, which made the itching worse, even after I told them that Benidryl does not work for me. After 6 hours, they sent me home, with NO improvement of the rash or fever or pain.  The doctor said I'll see you on your follow up day on Wednesday and I went home. 

On Wednesday, as I was getting on the elevator to go see my doctor, the young lady that would be teaching the class, the class I was supposed to attend that day, took one look at me and said "your not going to class today, your going directly to the ER"  I was bound and determained to make the band work, so even though I had all this going on, I made myself push on, until that day.  When I got to the ER, the nurse came in and unfilled the band thinking that maybe some air was in there, (i hadn't had a fill yet at all), I still had the rash, fever, swelling and shortness of breath, however now I was also suffering from leg cramps, my ribs felt like I had been in an MMA fight cage, and I could hardly walk, no strength at all, so much pain, and no sleep.  I had been unable to start the soft foods and was still only drinking/forceing down 4oz.s of protein shake and water an hour.  I couldn't keep that down much at all either.  I looked like "death" the young lady said. 

After several test the doctor finally came to see me, only after my Husband called his personal cell phone and said he wanted to speak with him NOW!!! The doctor said "I beleive her problem is sociological. There is no possible way she can still be in pain from surgery or from the band"  I asked if I could be allergic to the band and he said "physically impossable" Then he said he could go in and see if maybe the band had slipped, because you can't always see that it has in the test that had been done. That's when I took one look at him and I said "I'm NOT crazy, I know my body, I know when something is wrong, and if your going to go in and "see" if things are ok then I want you to TAKE IT OUT, because I will not keep going through surgery after surgery!"

Right after surgery I was in A LOT of pain, more pain the when it was put in, in my tummy, but after about 24 hours then I could breath and swallow so much better, the leg cramps and rash were gone, and I could hold down water.  I was really scared to try any food until about two days later, then I tried some soup and was able to keep that down. 

My doctor never did come and see me in recovery after surgery, even after I asked if I could see him.  I went to him one last time, he checked my incisions and as I was about to ask him if anything was wrong with the band when he took it out, he walked out of the room.  That was the last time I walked into his office, for good.

After about a month I was still in pain in my stomach and back, so I went to my primary doctor to see if something else might have went wrong during surgery and told him everything I had went through in the past two mouths.  (He had never received my reports) He was not happy at all with the doctor and his words to me of my pain beeing "sociological".  He told me that, absolutly I was allergic to the product and anyone could be.  This is the same doctor, that when I was 2yrs old found out that I had lead poisoning, NOT leukemia as first diagnosed, so I trust him.

All the successful "Banders", are blessed, so far, to be where they are and should be proud of their long journeys.  However, listen to yourself, listen to your body, and if it is telling you that something is wrong and you feel you need this band out, then please do it!  It's your life, and I'm sure your family wants you around and Happy for a very long time!!

Good luck!

on 3/21/14 1:56 pm
On March 21, 2014 at 12:37 PM Pacific Time, FAIRY_5 wrote:

I had the lap-bank in on Dec. 9th, 2013.......had to have it removed Dec. 26th, 2013!  17 DAYS! 23lbs lost, but 17 DAYS! NEVER AGAIN will I have a WLS!!  My body also rejected the band and I WAS ALLERGIC to the product!!  Do not take what all these other banders are saying to heart You know your body, you know when something isn't right!  I felt amazing for the first 5 days of surgery, on the 6th day, I woke up having trouble breathing, severe chest pain, swelling in the throat and a red severe rash all over my body. I had a fever, and was itching so badly that I made myself bleed. 

I called my surgeon and he said to get into the ER ASAP! When I got there they said I was in fact allergic to "Something" but didn't know what and it could not possiably be the band.  They gave me benidryl, which made the itching worse, even after I told them that Benidryl does not work for me. After 6 hours, they sent me home, with NO improvement of the rash or fever or pain.  The doctor said I'll see you on your follow up day on Wednesday and I went home. 

On Wednesday, as I was getting on the elevator to go see my doctor, the young lady that would be teaching the class, the class I was supposed to attend that day, took one look at me and said "your not going to class today, your going directly to the ER"  I was bound and determained to make the band work, so even though I had all this going on, I made myself push on, until that day.  When I got to the ER, the nurse came in and unfilled the band thinking that maybe some air was in there, (i hadn't had a fill yet at all), I still had the rash, fever, swelling and shortness of breath, however now I was also suffering from leg cramps, my ribs felt like I had been in an MMA fight cage, and I could hardly walk, no strength at all, so much pain, and no sleep.  I had been unable to start the soft foods and was still only drinking/forceing down 4oz.s of protein shake and water an hour.  I couldn't keep that down much at all either.  I looked like "death" the young lady said. 

After several test the doctor finally came to see me, only after my Husband called his personal cell phone and said he wanted to speak with him NOW!!! The doctor said "I beleive her problem is sociological. There is no possible way she can still be in pain from surgery or from the band"  I asked if I could be allergic to the band and he said "physically impossable" Then he said he could go in and see if maybe the band had slipped, because you can't always see that it has in the test that had been done. That's when I took one look at him and I said "I'm NOT crazy, I know my body, I know when something is wrong, and if your going to go in and "see" if things are ok then I want you to TAKE IT OUT, because I will not keep going through surgery after surgery!"

Right after surgery I was in A LOT of pain, more pain the when it was put in, in my tummy, but after about 24 hours then I could breath and swallow so much better, the leg cramps and rash were gone, and I could hold down water.  I was really scared to try any food until about two days later, then I tried some soup and was able to keep that down. 

My doctor never did come and see me in recovery after surgery, even after I asked if I could see him.  I went to him one last time, he checked my incisions and as I was about to ask him if anything was wrong with the band when he took it out, he walked out of the room.  That was the last time I walked into his office, for good.

After about a month I was still in pain in my stomach and back, so I went to my primary doctor to see if something else might have went wrong during surgery and told him everything I had went through in the past two mouths.  (He had never received my reports) He was not happy at all with the doctor and his words to me of my pain beeing "sociological".  He told me that, absolutly I was allergic to the product and anyone could be.  This is the same doctor, that when I was 2yrs old found out that I had lead poisoning, NOT leukemia as first diagnosed, so I trust him.

All the successful "Banders", are blessed, so far, to be where they are and should be proud of their long journeys.  However, listen to yourself, listen to your body, and if it is telling you that something is wrong and you feel you need this band out, then please do it!  It's your life, and I'm sure your family wants you around and Happy for a very long time!!

Good luck!

Thank you so so much for sharing your story with us. Thank goodness it was removed and you're recovering. They're telling me that I have to wait atleast a month to have mine removed even though I am losing a pound a day and 4 pounds just yesterday alone from starvation. 

on 3/19/14 6:33 pm
Kate -True Brit
on 3/19/14 6:41 pm - UK
On March 20, 2014 at 1:33 AM Pacific Time, KGG wrote:

You know another funny thing about being beat up here is that if I had said "Banded 6 days ago & everything is going great" no one would bat an eyelash. But I would be lying. Fake posts help NO ONE. Be grateful that there are still honest people in the world who are willing to be honest about their experiences in order to help another person make an informed decision. People like you make others fearful of sharing their experiences on this forum.

Please tell me where I said this was fake? On the contrary, I sympathised with your problem and hoped it got resolved. I have said nothing whatsoever to doubt your account. All I have said is that six days after a surgery us too soon to be in despair.  I am in fact trying to support you by saying don't give up yet. Sorry if you are unable to see that. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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