The New Improved LapBand

on 3/6/14 9:19 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

There are some not many who have done well with the band, but in reality there are more side effects and complications from the band than the other WLS.  I have had the Lapband for 10 years and for the last 7 months have had nothing but pain under my ribs.  After numerous tests which only showed the band as being fine it has been determined that my body no longer wants this foreign object in me.  I have constant inflammation from it.  My surgeon doesn't even recommend the band anymore. 

As for it being successful if you watch the type of food, exercise, and do your periodic checkups.  I did that for the first 5 years and then bam I couldn't get a good fill.  Out of nowhere I was to tight, then to loose, and then the pain started.  I honestly would not recommend the band to anyone.  The long term effects have never truly been documented. 

It is your body and your decision I wish you the best in what ever you decide.

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 3/13/14 1:41 am

Thank you for your story. Every story does help, but as everyone knows it is an individual decision. I am currently trying to meet my insurance requirments and plan to get the band in June.

on 3/13/14 8:43 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

Best advice is listen to your body.  If you feel something is odd make sure you see your surgeon asap.  DO NOT WAIT, I cannot express that enough.  As you can see there are definitely folks who have had minimal to no issues and they are so very lucky and I wish them continued success as I wish you success when the time comes. 

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 3/17/14 4:42 am

Absolutely if that is one thing I have learned from reading everyones stories and posts is to listen to your body!! Wonderful advice. Thank you!

NanaB .
on 3/6/14 10:15 am


I am a long term bandster, will be 9 years in a couple of months. I've had both old 4cc band and I got the newer band over a year ago. There are MANY long term lap banders, they just no longer post here anymore due to the negativity and doom and gloom.

Also most lap banders really don't need support because we are not bedridden and have a host of nutritional issues long term, so we move on with our  lives. If we do run into "lap band issues" MOST are not serious and can be easily fixed.

For ME, I would say that the newer bands are easier on the body, surgeons have a lot more experience than they had when I got my band placed back in 2005, so the newer bands are better for many people including myself.

Where MANY people get into to trouble with the band is that they keep it WAY too tight, and never follow up often with their surgeon.

Everyone that I know that keep their band adjusted properly (not too tight), exercise, and eat band friendly foods, follow up with their surgeons really don't have issues, not saying that the band can't cause issues.

When the band is dangerously too tight, it can cause frequent vomiting, reflux esophageal issues, difficult eating, heartburn, coughing and just a overall miserable life, and keeping the band too tight can lead to slippage and removal.

The best thing to do is educate yourself about the band and how it is supposed to work, it is designed to help you stop eating NOT stop you from eating, remember you can get the band adjusted as TIGHT AS YOU WANT, so complications can pretty much be up to you, and your surgical team.

Learning the GREEN zone and ideal restriction, not too tight and not too loose will be what you are aiming to achieve with the lap band and lifestyle change with eating small amounts of food, exercise, etc.

I had my band replaced due to a hiatal hernia, if the Sleeve did not cause hypoglycemia, (dumping syndrome) and very bad reflux, and possible (stretching back out in a few years, read the revision board on many Sleevers revising) I would have gladly revised to that, but I just did not want to risk the rest of my life dealing with any side effects of the Sleeve when you can't get your stomach back. I am not dissing the Sleeve at all, many look great with it and don't have any issues, I just did not want to take that risk.

Can the lap band be a pain in the @ss at times? Sure, NO surgery is Perfect, but unfortunately given the other choices, there is nothing better for ME than the lap band.

I am almost 9 years post op, pre menopausal, I don't take but 1 multi vitamin and vitamin D, those are the only pills I take, I don't have a vitamin deficiency or in and out of the hospital or take any other medication, and I am grateful for my health and I still wear a size 12 at 9 years out.

Good luck to you.






on 3/13/14 1:52 am

NanaB thank you so much for sharing. I am grateful for your story. I like that you stress that no surgery is perfect. I met with the doctor yesterday and he has performed just over 800 surgeries and he just sumbitted his results recently to the board. He stressed to me that he has had a 6% slippage rate, he stressed the pros and cons, he was very detailed and helpful. The main thing that really confirmed this was the right doctor for me was that he stressed that followup was soooo important and that he will be following my progress very closely and will need to see me often especially the first year. I have made the decision to do it. I am nervous about what is to come, but the posts(negative and positive) I think help in my mental preparation. All I can do is pray pray pray that I will have a more positive experience than negative. I am so happy that you have had a nice experience and that you are a size 12. I look fabulous as a 12 and even better as a 9, but anything smaller than that I do not look healthy. I am excited for this next adventure and I know that it will be extremly difficult I am willing to attempt it. I have to......I need to..........for me and for my kiddos!!

Thank you again for sharing.

on 3/6/14 11:25 am

The PROOF is actually in the 50% Failure rate, and the Removals. Check out the Sleeve group and ask what percentage of them have had to have a band removed and revised?








on 3/6/14 12:02 pm - Davison, MI

Annie I won't be surprised when this rate goes higher as many removals aren't even reported.  They just take the band out and dispose of it.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 3/13/14 1:31 am - Mechanicville, NY
RNY on 02/24/14

I agree with many previous posts - do your research.  I had the band - with many problems.  Port flipping (very painful).  Hiatal hernia (most recent).  I wish I had not been such a chicken back in 2007 when i went to the seminar and had better opened my eyes/ears to my options at that time.  It may seem like the easiest option, but for many of us, it turned out to be the nightmare we never wanted.

I had a revision to RNY on 2/24/14.  My surgeon said the band caused ALOT of scar tissue all around my stomach where the band was, making my surgery for revision more difficult than it should have been - probably part of the reason for the prolonged recovery.  It took a good year of begging to get the band removed.  I had an increase in my white blood count, was always sick, even w/ no fluid in my band, wicked heart burn, with no clue why.  My port would flip when I would go to bend over to tie my shoes or reach down to the ground.  

It cost $6800 to get it removed and about the same to have it installed  - in my book, it was a mistake.  

Please do all the research you can.  I understand there are many successful banders out there - Way to go for them - it just wasn't for me.

Best of luck to you on your weight loss journey!



on 3/13/14 1:55 am

Rebecca I hate that this was horrible for you!! Thank you for sharing and for the support!!

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