The New Improved LapBand

Kate -True Brit
on 3/6/14 3:22 am - UK

No. Because of all the vsnished fat, there was enough spare tubing to cut out the leak and reconnect the ends. Seems to have worked as it was about four years ago. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Kate -True Brit
on 3/6/14 3:24 am - UK

Take a look at my profile. There is sme stuff I put on there in answer to questions. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 3/6/14 3:22 am - Vancouver, WA

Well; I think the first year I was as gung ho as anyone with a band but then the scar tissue started building up and I eventually ended up having it emptied. Then I was ok for a couple of years but last summer i started having a pain up under my rib cage and had trouble swallowing. Unfortunately my insurance changed and didn't cover bariatric surgery so I triwd waiting till I qualified for medicare in a couple mosre years but last month I just couldn't tske it anymore and while I was in the hospital for some heart issues I had it taken out. I'd lost 30 lbs in less than 2 months and that's just too fast, I felt terrible and could hardly eat anything or swallow my meds. I feel better now, not perfect I think there is going to be some long term damage from the band but I'm so glad it is out, have no idea if insurance will cover it or not but I don't even care because it was just too awful to keep living that way. I never kept my band too tight or over ate the only thing I wasn't able to do was exercise much because of a lung disease other than that I followed all the so called rules but in the end it still tried to kill me. I wouldn't wish a band on my worst enemy. I know of far more unhappy bandsters than I do happy ones. The only ones I know who have had great long term success are Kate and Bette, the rest are not happy campers. I could be a millionaire if I could figue out why theirs worked and others don't. As for weight loss I only lost an original 20 lbs plus the 30 lbs I starved since the first of the year.

on 3/6/14 8:24 am

Thank you for sharing your story.

on 3/6/14 3:33 am
On March 6, 2014 at 7:17 AM Pacific Time, Girl_On_Fire wrote:

I am 135 pounds over my ideal weight. I have hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and had gall bladder disease(but had it removed a long time ago). This is the highest weight I have ever been in my life. I am a single mom of three kids and reality hit recently. I need to do this for me and for them. I have been considering WLS for about a year. 

I have been reading a lot of issues with the older LapBands. From what I have researched the new improved Allergen LapBand doesn't have the issues of erosion and clamps differently than the previous ones. Does anyone have any advice? I am looking at doing the surgery in about 3 months. Is their anyone out there that has had a lap band recently put in? Also I keep reading over and over throughout many posts that as long as you watch the type of food going in and exercise and do your periodic checkups it will be successful. I have not read one post where someone has done those things religously and not kept the weight off. I am new to the forum so take it easy on me ;o) I really would like some feedback. Thank you in advance!! Have a blessed day.

The Old bands that you refer to are  the 4cc bands those new and improved are 10-14 cc.

The Old surgical technique the Perigastric, no stitches just around the stomach the new Pars Flaccida stitching gastric to gastric ( usually the stomach)

The clamps used for lap band haven't changed and Neither have the COMPLICATIONS.

If you talk to Anyone with a Band what your apt to hear if they are post-op to 5yrs out. I Love my Band, I have lost (fill-in-blank-) amount of weight.

Yes, I have to go for a "FILL" =Saline put into the port Monthly for anywhere from  2-4 months before I start to feel like i have restriction and my band is helping me to eat less.

I also experience PB ing= productive burping, Sliming= saliva goes into overdrive when trying to swallow food, vomiting= because food gets stuck or you've eaten to much.

But most believe these are all small prices to pay for getting a band and losing weight.

Some get a band and Never lose weight OR minimal amounts. have port flips or the tubing breaks and then you need that repaired.( more surgery)

PRAY you don't experience any difficulty swallowing because then the fill has to be removed, and you'll probably start an endless cycle of Fills and Unfills.

Reflux  Rate 33%  you'll experience it, and you'll probably be put on Meds.

If you start to vomit daily then you have to worry about the band slipping and being removed.

IF.. you manage to maintain your band AND WL past 5 years again PRAY that you have NO Damage

If you start to develop problems being able to swallow anything Healthy OR develop PAIN in the chest, esophagus, abdomen, shoulder, PRAY your Surgeon "believes" you and listens to your Concerns. OR you'll NEED a new surgeon.

The Biggest issue with a Lap band is the 50% Failure rate AND not getting AFTERCARE, IMHO Aftercare is 80% of having a band, and too few Dr's give descent aftercare. Sorry but if your looking for WLS that have positive long term results the BAND just isn't it .







on 3/6/14 8:22 am

thank you for sharing.

on 3/17/14 5:15 am

mine was put in in 2007 and was a 14cc. It took 18 months to get good restriction after several adjustments of saline, in and out.  And then the trouble started.

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/14 6:55 am

Hi there,


I am getting banded in one week from today (YAY!) and you can feel free to ask me questions throughout the process.  I have read both positive and negative stories but, for me, I firmly believe this surgery is the way to go.  I have felt that people have been pushing for the sleeve surgery but I am not comfortable giving away such a large portion of my stomach.  The positive with the lap-band is that it is reversible if necessary.

Best of luck with your decision.

on 3/6/14 8:21 am

I am uncomfortable having anything removed from my body, so I agree. I pretty much have made the decision. How exciting that you are doing this so soon!!! I will probably get mine done in June. I still have to get approval from insurance. I meet with the surgeon next week. I have already done a seminar that covers all the different types of WLS and etc. What type of band are you getting?

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/14 8:51 am

I am having the Lap-Band--not the Realize Band..  I know there are a lot of negative posts but when making this decision, listen to your doctor carefully as well as yourself.  I know, personally, I did not want to get rid of parts of my stomach---I am relatively young and I don't think there are enough long-term studies to help sway me towards the sleeve.  

Again, good luck, and keep in touch if you'd like to know about the process as it goes on with me.  The best piece of information I continue to read with the band is to think of it as a tool and not a solution.

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