Working the band again

Karen D.
on 2/25/14 9:33 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15

In April I will have had my band 8 years.  I did well, had problems, no fluid for a long time, gained all my weight back.  In November 2013 I went to my doc with the intent to revise my surgery.  First step was to try a fill, see what happens and to start seeing a dietician.  I got to the point where I was sick of being fat, again, (that has happened many times in my life)...,.but I also decided I needed to, once again, really take charge of my eating habits.  I can't eat veggies and fruit well, they always get stuck, so I'm making smoothies to get the vegetables down.  I have one each day for a snack. I've also start exercising regularly, I bust my ass and work myself hard.  The best part, since November I've lost 25 lbs!  It's slow, but I'm happy, the doc is happy and the dietician is happy.

I'm going to keep working the band for a while longer.  This year isn't good for 2 surgeries both time and money wise.  My son is heading to college in the fall and I don't have the time to be down.  If this band is going to work for me now....I'll go for it.

Just wanted to update.

Take care all....


on 2/25/14 10:39 am - Vancouver, WA

I truely wish you the best of luck I just worry because 8 yrs with the band is a looong time. I finally had to give up because even empty my band was causing soo much pain under my ribs and I could barely swallow anything I had it removed last week and oh what a relief. I didn't realize it was the band causing so much discomfort until I had it out, but I suspected it was at least contributing to. I still don't know if insurance will even cover it but I just couldn't handle it anymore and they did some test that showed things were backing up below the band so I'm hoping they will cover it. We shall see! Hope it all works out for you!

Kate -True Brit
on 2/25/14 4:33 pm - UK

Best wishes. We were banded about the same time and I know that it is still possible to work my band. I admit to not doing well at the moment! I got complacent and have had some regain, entirely my iwn fault! Not catastrophic, my size 10 skirts are still wearable but I have to breathe in and wear baggy tops to hide tge middle bits!! And I have lots of clothes I can't wear. 

But I have recommitted. I am not going to buy larger clothes!

my band and its position etc are still fine. I just need to work with it. I met a group of banded people last time I went for my routine check. We were all over six years post op (five people) and all felt the same. Our bands were fine, we were finding it hard mentally to work with them. 


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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