Bye Bye, band.

on 2/11/14 4:32 am

Well, it's happening. The band has to go. After months of discomfort, throwing up, weight gain, and frustration, I was diagnosed with a band slip and it has to come out. What a waste of three years, all that money, time, and hard work. I never left the 300s. I'm supposed to be 190 by now. I'm supposed to be like those people in the commercials and on here who have lost hundreds of pounds without issues. Revision is out of the question because I don't have $11,500 and my current insurance refuses any and all bariatric procedures. I am so frustrated and heartbroken. I feel like a complete failure. I shouldn't still be 326. I should be 190 and athletic and wearing a size 12 like I was promised. I just want to curl up into a ball and die.

on 2/11/14 5:14 am

Just to give some perspective: I've done Insanity twice. I do 5Ks regularly. My bloodwork is perfect. But I cannot lose weight. So I got the band and was told by my doctor that the weight will "melt off" because of my activity level. I modified my diet and eat clean with a few lapses here and there. I don't drink carbonated drinks. I no longer drink sodas, only coffee, tea, and water. I gave up my precious Starbuck's. I have done everything I am supposed to do, and yet the weight hasn't "melted off". It keeps piling on. My first three months with the band, I dropped 65 lbs. My lowest weight was 305. I was so close, agonizingly close to being below 300 lbs for the first time in eight years...that, too, slipped away. I hate that I didn't have the courage to do the bypass. I hate that I can't eat anything without my husband watching me like a hawk to see if I get stuck. I hate the looks I receive when I do get stuck.

I hate this so much...

on 2/11/14 9:39 am

So Sorry that you've gone through the complications with the Band. YOUR NOT ALONE! the Band ISN'T what they promised it to be and it never will be. I Truly Believe that it will eventually fall out of Favor with the Bariatric community just not SOON ENOUGH for me and other's wtih Damage from it!

Each Day I hear of a New Dr. that has finally "seen the Light" and won't Do Bands. Too Bad the rest of them Don't follow Suit, GREED has a way of doing that to people.

I wonder what had happend to the Hippocratic Oath> Seems like it's a thing of the past for allot of Dr's SAD But True :(

I like you are unable to revise But i Wish you Well and Pray your band didn't cause Damage.







on 2/11/14 10:56 am


Sorry to hear you have a slip and is losing your band. I guess they already unfulled your band hoping it would straigthen out or flip back in place.I had my band since 07/2010 I've only lost 24 lbs. I have NEVER experience a good fill /tight band.  I'm so glad I never told friends and family about my Lap Band becasue they would be saying I TOLD YOU SO. I wished I had gotten the RNY. I'm in the gym all the time. I will be honest have curl up like a ball and cried.  I just fould out I should drink very cold water and it will help tighten the band and if I drink wine or hot coffee/tea it may losen the band then food will go dow easy. I've alway drink water at room temp, but will drink it cold to see want happen and I will stop with the hot coffe twice a day, and cut back on the wine

Kate -True Brit
on 2/11/14 5:45 pm - UK

So sorry this has happened to you.  My very best wishes for the future. The band simply does not work for some people. 

Just a thought, and this is not in any way blaming you, as I say, for some the band does not work, if you are eating small amounts of healthy food and are very active, the pounds should have gone, with or without the band. Has your doctor checked things like your thyroid function? Maybe your doctor could see why the weight has not gone. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/11/14 10:34 pm

I am going today to talk about switching from the band to the sleeve.  I lost about 60lbs and have now gain 20lbs of it back and find that its going higher.  I am a emotional eater. My dr. would not give me a fill because she said that i am way over what it should be.  I am still hungry all the time.  What do you think.

on 2/11/14 11:38 pm - Springfield, VA
VSG on 01/23/13 with

I just want to send hugs to you Chaucerfan and Bgaylz......I know what you are going through. The band is not what it is sold to be. I strongly encourage anyone to revise from the band to another procedure or nothing at all. The sleeve has done wonders for me. I think that the risks do not outweigh the benefit for the band and I agree that it should be phased out.

I hope things get better for both of you soon. Hugs....

HW - 287 (12/2007); GW - 165; CW - 164....proudly wearing a size 8!On my journey from LapBand to VSG.....LapBand on 12/19/07, LapBand removal on 8/8/12 and sleeve on1/23/13! Consider joining me at Band2Sleeve!(  Friend me on MyFitnessPal too! I'm gorditabonita74.

on 2/12/14 11:05 am

Thanks everyone. I'm just frustrated. But, I am looking forward to getting the band out and going it alone. I can do this. I know I can.

Y'all take care.
aka Chaucerfan

on 2/12/14 11:50 am - Springfield, VA
VSG on 01/23/13 with

Yes - you WILL do it! I am here cheering for you!

HW - 287 (12/2007); GW - 165; CW - 164....proudly wearing a size 8!On my journey from LapBand to VSG.....LapBand on 12/19/07, LapBand removal on 8/8/12 and sleeve on1/23/13! Consider joining me at Band2Sleeve!(  Friend me on MyFitnessPal too! I'm gorditabonita74.

on 2/17/14 11:43 am

I was banded in 2008 and have had several complications. I am meeting with my surgeon this week to talk about removing it. It has been a very painful few years.

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