Inspiration for slow progress?

on 2/5/14 2:47 am - Canada

I got banded in early November 2013 and haven't lost any weight at all, my hunger is always insatiable and the only the the band does is slow down my ability to eat the tiniest bit.


When I had the surgery I was filled to 1CC o a 10CC band, I am now up to 4CC and still feel almost no restriction at all unless I eat bread ridiculously fast. Can someone help me understand what they felt like when they got in/near the green zone? Because I am really depressed about this, and am afraid my hunger will never go away, maybe I'm just an anomaly?

on 2/5/14 9:05 am - Vancouver, WA

Well there is great debate about the green zone, many of us never do get there no matter how much we fiddled with our bands. If you can eat bread you probably need another fill, when I was at a decent level I couldn't eat bread, it was too uncomfortable. I just felt normal full but earlier than usual. However I was often still hungry and the band just never worked for me the way I was told it would. I was at 5-7 cc.s when I felt any restriction.

Kate -True Brit
on 2/5/14 8:23 pm - UK

Many people need considerably more than that in a 10 cc band. 

But to describe how it feels for me personally -  if I eat and chew well, I could just carry on eating. However, if I make myself eat slowly and walk away when I have had a sensible amount, I no longer feel hungry. Nothing stops head hunger and so if I am bored and doing nothing, I will feel hunger quite soon. But if I am busy, food never crosses my mind and I forget my next meal! I can eat all foods, although some need care. The band should never physically stop us eating although, as Hisaldy says, some specific foods may be difficult or even impossible. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/5/14 9:08 pm

I was banded July 29, 2013. I felt the same way as you do 3 months after my surgery. I now have 8cc's in my 10cc band. I too can still eat bread, but only 1 piece. As far as "the green zone"..... never reached it. I think the key is to never look for that "stuffed" feeling anymore; just try to be satisfied. I go back to my surgeon next Tuesday and am considering getting 1/4 - 1/2 cc fill. I dont want to start having any complications that i have heard about; therefore want to be careful. I have lost 35 lbs to date. Exercise is important too!!!!

on 2/6/14 12:00 am - Canada

Thank you all for the advice. Its so embarrassing being blessed enough to receive this surgery and being unable to lose weight, it feels so hopeless. I appreciate that I need to watch what I eat more, and exercise more which are things that I am doing but I hope these fills will help. The whole purpose of getting this surgery for me was so that I wouldn't have to obsess over how much I am eating and go on diets. I figured I could feel like a normal person who isn't addicted to food. I am starting a low carb diet today for the 10,000th effin time, hopefully it will help. SO frustrated right now.  

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