Lap-Band After RNY

on 1/30/14 1:19 pm

Hi Everyone:

I trust my email finds you all well. 

Back in 2002 I had the RNY Gastric Bypass.  Walking into that O.R. I weight probably close to 600 pounds.  I did really well.  I lost almost 350 pounds.  Yet I am still 100+ overweight and can't seem to get past my plateau.  So I was looking into revision.  The surgeon suggested the Lap-Band.  Has anyone else had the RNY and then had a Lap-Band?  Did it help?  Were you able to lose your weight?  Is there a different sensation when eating?  How does the port feel?

Even if you just didn't have the RNY and had the Lap-Band I would love to hear about your experiences.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very my much and my best to all of you!





Kate -True Brit
on 1/30/14 6:15 pm - UK

This is not uncommon and people call it BOB, band over bypass. It works for some, less well for others, not at all for yet others! Like all wls!  Heathercross is a very successful BOB lady. She doesn't come on here very much now but she has told me she is happy for me to give people her name and tell them to PM her. 

Like all wls, there are pros and cons to banding and it does have a relatively high complication rate. I have had my band for almost eight years and not regretted it for one second. You will find different online boards have different biases. On here we have more people with band problems and even have a board called Failed lapband which I understand has many members, anothr well known wls site has a board dedicated to sleeve complications! 

Listen to your doctor! 

In answer to the specific questions. I only feel my port if I lie face down on something hard! Fills for me were not painful. I lost my weight fairly quickly, in fct lost too much. The band does not and is not supposed to phsyically stop you eating. If properly adjusted (and not everyone vets to that point), it makes you eat a bit more slowly and dims hunger. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/3/14 9:58 am - Davison, MI

There have been a few here with it but, only one or two post here of success.  Heather is one and she doesn't recommened it for everyone asking.  One question I have is what procedures does your surgeon do?  Some recommend the band over by-pass as that are the two surgeries they do.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 4/20/16 7:06 am

Hi coleen,my name is lydia,and I had a rny in 02 as well I weighed 336,and I gained back the weight over the years,so I looked into the lab and and I had it in 2013,and ND now I'm down to 155 sometimes it fluctuate, but I know that I don't regret the journey,now I just want to get my arms done,but I don't know how to get my insurance to pay for it

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