Curious about time for weight loss

on 1/31/14 3:40 am

Hi everyone!

I'm just curious to hear how long it took some of you to loose weight. I was banded July 29th of last year and have lost 35 lbs. I'm not complaining because I feel so good; however, I'm just wondering what the "norm" or average weight loss is. I started at 250 and am at 215 today. I workout 5 days a week!!! 


Bette B.
on 1/31/14 5:01 am

There really is no "norm" because there are too many variables.Usually people with a lot to lose tend to lose faster, but not always. Men tend to lose faster than women, but not always.


I had 200 pounds of excess weight to lose, and I lost 100 pounds in 6 months. There have been people larger than me who have lost slower. Everyone is different, so everyone's result will be different. But CONGRATULATIONS on losting thirty five pounds!! 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 1/31/14 10:15 am

Hi Bette!

Thanks for your response. I wish I could lose 100 lbs in 6 months. What a feeling that had to have been!!!!! I'm still very happy that I went with the band, I just wish my progress was a little quicker. I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing and will continue to set small goals every week. As long as I am losing, I will be happy!

Take care,


Kate -True Brit
on 1/31/14 5:49 am - UK

As Bette said, there is no answer to this one. I lost 109lbs  (all my excess weight) in just over  15 months. But that is quite  fast for a banded person. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/31/14 10:20 am

Hi Kate,

Thanks for your response!  You've done great as well! Your response was helpful for me because I hear of all these folks losing large numbers quickly and I think to myself, "what am I doing wrong." As I mentioned to Bette, I will continue doing what I'm doing and hopefully my numbers will continue to decrease.

Take care,



Bette B.
on 1/31/14 10:33 am

Let me just say that me losing that fast was totally unexpected. Even my surgeon referred to me as "the mutant."


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 2/3/14 11:28 am - Davison, MI

Kate and Bete are band STARS.  

I lost 60 in the first year.  I had lost 20 pre surgery.  My 60 pounds was just for a couple weeks though.  

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 2/5/14 11:59 pm

Your reply makes me feel better. I guess i was expecting these big numbers to happen rather quickly and they didnt. I am still happy with what has taken place and will continue to push forward. Thank you for the response!

on 2/7/14 5:15 pm

I lost 100 lbs in 4.5 months and by 22 months post op I had lost 270 lbs. I started at almost 500 lbs so I lost much faster. Go back to your basics, eat every 3 hours, protein first and drink your water. Some people don't eat enough to sustain working out 5 days a week.

Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months!  My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12!  I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve!  Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!

on 2/9/14 4:59 am

Thank you LilSleeved! Wow, great job!!!!

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