Off the Wagon

on 12/26/13 7:06 am - CO

Hi All,

Well, it's been years since I've posted anything let alone been on this site. I am back because I fell off the wagon. 4 1/2 years ago I had to have my band unfilled completely as I was vommitting every night, no matter what I ate or when I went to bed. So the Dr. unfilled me. Which solved the problem. And I began to gain weight back. Slowly. I then became embarrassed to go back for a fill (and thought he wouldn't because of the previous problems) so I continued to gain. I finally went back in late summer of this year and he did a small fill. I made a new promise to myself to follow the band diet and rules and get back on track. I did well for a bit, lost 10 pounds, went on vacation and fell off the wagon again . I am now back to the weight I was when I went in the summer (which is still down from my original pre-op weight) and am struggling to get back on track.

I guess I'm here to see if others have gone through this? If so, how do you get yourself back on track? Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Disappointed and embarrassed,


Kate -True Brit
on 12/27/13 2:47 am - UK

With great difficulty! And I haven't had the fill probems you have had.  I maintained  well for a few years, then a couple of blips. 20lb+ blips!  Got them both off, both times when there was a really big incentive. Once my daughters told me they were buying me a designer outfit for my 60th birthday in eight weeks time, the other when I was going to be involved in a theatre production and wanted to look good on stage, 

i need to get my act together now!  Not too far adrift but going the wrong way. I am hoping the fact my clothes are getting tight and I have none in a larger size will spur me on. Buying something larger us something I am simply NOT prepared to do. 

So for me, it is psychological.  I need a genuine reason.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 12/27/13 3:00 am - Vancouver, WA

The most important thing is to not let embarassment keep you from doing what needs to be done. It happens all the time that people regain and have to start over. I have had my band for over 6 yrs , it's been empty for over 2 yrs. and while I haven't regained I only lost 20# to begin with so my loss has been a looong slow one and even at that, still not a huge loss. We all get off track and the only way I know of to get back on track is to start all over like in the beginning with tracking and journaling my foods, plus getting off my duff and getting some exercise. Since I have a lung disease that is easier said than done but I'm trying to ride my stationary bike even 10 min. a day. What I eat hasn't been that much of an issue for me as getting exercise, so that is my main effort. Go back to eating solid proteins which help keep you feeling full and if you get hungry in between either drink some water, eat a small protein snack or eat some low calorie veggies to fill you up. Then get moving, anything is better than nothing start small and work your way up if needed but just move. Hang out here and I'm sure you see lots of folks restarting their efforts this next week!

on 12/30/13 10:17 pm

This is so similar to my story!  I was banded in 2008 and was very successful. I went from 314-170.  But in the last year I slowly started gaining. Ended up removing all fluid from band in July because I was too tight and had stretched my pouch a little. Began refilling and I think I could use a little more but don't want to be too tight. Needless to say this morning I weighed 206!  Let's restart and get back on track!


on 1/5/14 11:15 pm - CO

Yes, let's restart! I did join Weigh****chers as well, thinking that would help me plan my meals better and keep better track of what I eat. Not sure if it fits well with the band philosophy, but thought it can't hurt to try!


on 1/5/14 7:46 pm

on 1/5/14 8:13 pm

Brittani, you are not alone, so while you might be disappointed in yourself, do not be embarrassed.

We all have to remember that this weight loss is a journey and not a destination.

My story is that I had the lapband procedure in January 2008.  Lost 80lbs, looked fabulous and was happy.  Well, I booked the European trip of a lifetime, and unfilled my band so that I could eat while on the trip.  I did the unfill against my doctor's wishes. 

I returned from the trip 15lbs heavier, and I have been gaining ever since.  I am now up 41 lbs, and I decided that I am no longer going to be a "bystander" in my own life by jus****ching the scale increase.

I should have mentioned that along the way, I received a terrible back injury that made it virtually impossible to work out.  I have found a few things that I can successfully do at the gym so as not to irritate my back.

I have decided that there are a few things that I can do to get my self back on track to start losing the weight again, and posting on this site is one of them.

Brittani, and anyone else that needs a jumpstart, I think the best thing to do is pull out those tools that you used, at one time, to become successful with weight loss and start to use them all.

Stop focusing on your setbacks and start looking ahead to how you are going to use your tools daily to reach for your NEW WEIGHT LOSS goals.

We can all do it again - 1 pound at a time!

on 1/5/14 11:13 pm - CO

Thank you for sharing your story! I truly appreciate it. And it's nice to know I am not the only one who has been/is going through this. I have been getting myself on track a little more each day and will continue to do so.

Thank you again!

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