my 3rd year anniversary on dec.15th...

on 12/2/13 11:41 pm - NY

Time goes fast...almost 3 yrs...I wish I could say I had reached my goal but never did. I stopped going for fills and stopped going to the surgeon for monthly visits over a just was too costly..I wish I had gotton the sleeve..I feel I would have been more successful...there are days even now that out of the blue I will have an episode of getting stuck....I have gained some weight back but still down about 50 lbs... used to love this site until all the negetive started ....miss all the people I started with...I will continue to drop in time to time....Happy Holidays...




(deactivated member)
on 12/2/13 11:58 pm
On December 3, 2013 at 7:41 AM Pacific Time, spuddzy wrote:

Time goes fast...almost 3 yrs...I wish I could say I had reached my goal but never did. I stopped going for fills and stopped going to the surgeon for monthly visits over a just was too costly..I wish I had gotton the sleeve..I feel I would have been more successful...there are days even now that out of the blue I will have an episode of getting stuck....I have gained some weight back but still down about 50 lbs... used to love this site until all the negetive started ....miss all the people I started with...I will continue to drop in time to time....Happy Holidays...



I have to question the whining about negativity here.  When all the "negative" people left, the forum died hard and fast.  It wasn't the negative people, it appears to be the people that were here at that time that chased everyone away.  Us "negative" people came back to a dead forum.

Speaking of negative, what is that?  Is that the same as band bashers?  Do we run around telling lap bands their mothers wear combat boots?  Or... is it posting studies to show that what you are experiencing right now is the norm?

The band stats show the average person loses about 40% of their excess weight.  If I am reading your ticker and your words correctly you have lost about 50# and need to lose another 50#?  You are just about right.  That is what the band averages.  You are just a bit ahead of the game with a loss of 50% vs. 40%.

So you are a success!  Congrats!!!

Bette B.
on 12/3/13 1:19 am

FIFTY POUNDS is still nothing to sneeze at!

Where would you be today if you HADN'T had the surgery and lost that weight?


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Nic M
on 12/3/13 2:46 am

Congratulations, Spuddzy, on your 3 year bandiversary. Sorry to hear it hasn't worked out as well as you'd hoped. I hope your health is good, at least. Take care! Happy Holidays to you!

Kate -True Brit
on 12/3/13 4:30 am - UK

50lbs is 50lbs!  OK you would have liked more but it is still good! Well done.

aftercare with the band can be pricey. Any chance you could get back to your doc and get a fill - assuming you need one.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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