Didn't think it would happen to me...

(deactivated member)
on 11/22/13 10:46 pm
On November 22, 2013 at 7:50 PM Pacific Time, Kerry B. wrote:

Thanks Vivian.  You're right. It's like I've been on a diet this whole time. Looking back I think I lost my restriction early on. I am switching surgeons. Mine only put in bands and I'm definitely not going down this path again. I'm hoping to get a revision with my removal. 


It is highly unlikely that they will be able to do a revision at the same time as your removal if your erosion is as significant as you write.  There will be a massive amount of repair to be done and in that case, a revision is verrrrry likely to happen six months down the road.  They basically have to put your stomach back together again.

on 11/28/13 10:56 am

I just revised from the band to the sleeve in 1 procedure.  It was very rough due to the damage the band left behind.  My band had slipped toward the bottom of my stomach and I had an erosion, a very large hiatal hernia (that wasn't there when the band was placed), my esophagus is now HUGE and I had TONS of scar tissue on my stomach where the plastic clip kept cutting up my stomach.  I had to have a 5 day stay in the hospital with an NG tube to keep everything out of my stomach to give it every chance for healing.  I revised on NOV. 12 and since I have lost 23 lbs.  I have been on liquids for nearly a month now.  Next week I start soft foods and will stay there for a month.  I followed the rules of the band to a T...and all this still happened to me.  When my band started to fail, I was down 98 lbs. from my highest weight.  My only symptom of problems was increased weight gain and major heart burn.  My band had been empty for the last year.  I wish you good luck and good health!


on 11/22/13 8:44 am



I pray you have a speedy recovery. What were your symptoms?

Highest 317 6/1 start pre-op diet312 6/15 2 days before surgery303 6/22 5 days post-op296  6/28 11 days post-op  290 7/5 18 days post-op 288 8/19 10 weeks post-op 278 9/10 274 11/6 268 2/18 257 3/26 249 5/14 237
Kerry B.
on 11/22/13 11:59 am

Thank You. Symptoms were several .5 cc fills that made absolutely no difference in restriction. I have over 9 ccs in a 10 cc band and can out eat my husband if I don't  watch myself. I also have a fullness in the back of my throat, pain on my left side where my new port is especially after eating, nausea after eating and a gradual 20 lb weight gain. 

Stephanie M.
on 11/25/13 12:41 am

Why haven't they emptied your band???


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 11/22/13 2:40 pm - Moroni, UT

What causes the erosion,  do they know? Best of luck to you.

Kerry B.
on 11/22/13 7:51 pm

I asked the surgeon that I work for that did my EGD. He said it happens when a foreign body is placed inside you. The body tries to fight it off and heal itself. He said it would be like putting a rubber band on your wrist and leaving it there eventually it would start breaking away the skin. From what I've read there are other things that can contribute...carbonation and NSAID which I had neither of. They also have an increased chance of occurring after a port infection. ...which I had. 

(deactivated member)
on 11/22/13 10:41 pm
On November 23, 2013 at 3:51 AM Pacific Time, Kerry B. wrote:

I asked the surgeon that I work for that did my EGD. He said it happens when a foreign body is placed inside you. The body tries to fight it off and heal itself. He said it would be like putting a rubber band on your wrist and leaving it there eventually it would start breaking away the skin. From what I've read there are other things that can contribute...carbonation and NSAID which I had neither of. They also have an increased chance of occurring after a port infection. ...which I had. 


Nawwwww... carbonation and NSAIDs is very old science.  It was proven a very long time ago (2008????) that neither has anything to do with erosion.  They are back to saying... "We don't know what causes erosion."  That is why when the Realize band came out I had to laugh.  They were advertising it as causing fewer erosions due to the technique.  Considering nobody really knows what causes erosion how did they make a band preventing it?  It was false advertising.  Pretty much everything related to band advertising is false advertising.  I am sad that these drug companies are permitted to get away with it.

Now, a port infection sure... that is a well known cause of erosion.  ANYONE who has a port infection needs an upper endo a few months later to check for erosion.  The bacteria travel up the tubing and erode the band.  That type of erosion is very well known.

Kerry B.
on 11/23/13 12:01 am

I had my band 9/10. I had a port infection that led to port replacement 3/2011. Not only did I never have any endo ordered, I didn't have as much as a drop of blood taken for work up before my surgery or any time after.... Not even now. I was a cash pay. The fewer problems identified the better I'm guessing because the first year it would have all fallen under the warranty.  

on 11/22/13 4:03 pm - Davison, MI

Sorry you are going thru this.  The problems aren't rare as they would like you to believe.  With an erosion Most surgeons will have you wait to heal before the revision.  I have been tracking problems that people have with revisions from the band and those that had issues did the revision in one surgery.  Not that all that do have problems, many don't but the onces that do have been all in one so far.  I fought to have my revision done at one time but am now very glad that my surgeon didn't allow it.  So if your surgeon says you need to wait in between do be upset or unhappy with him.  Take care and good luck!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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