Didn't think it would happen to me...

Kerry B.
on 11/20/13 7:55 am

Ok. I'll admit it. As I read through posts before my surgery 3 yrs ago, I believed problems were rare, extreme, and caused by noncompliance. I'm guilty of...as a few of the other bandsters would say of drinking the magic Kool-aid and living in lala land. I did the research. Went into it knowing how to play the game completely. I never drank a sip of carbonated drinks, never had a slice of bread and avoided pasta like the plague.  6 months after getting my band I had to have my port replaced because of an abscess/ infection. I was still considered a success in lapband land....I lost 120 lbs most of that in the first year.  Here I am 3 yrs, + 20 lbs, 9 cc's + of fluid, a Barium Swallow and EGD later trying to decide where to turn next. Tests confirm complete erosion... Important lesson learned. Never say never folks. 

Nic M
on 11/20/13 10:10 am

Hi Kerry,


I'm sorry you're going through this. I feel for you. Do you have a band removal date set already? I hope all goes well.

Thanks for sharing. It's important and it's very generous of you. 

Kerry B.
on 11/22/13 11:45 am

 Unfortunately I don't have a date yet. I am waiting to see a new surgeon. I just wanted to share my story so people will be aware although portrayed as rare, complications do happen. Although I'd do just about anything to be thin, dying from an infection isn't one of them. 

Nic M
on 11/22/13 11:49 am

Good luck with the new surgeon. I hope it all goes well.


I had my band removed about 8 years ago when it nearly killed me. I am in pain right at this minute from the nerve damage it caused. It's not an everyday thing, but I still have pain often enough that I regret ever having the band, that's for sure. 


Take care. Hope things go smoothly for you. 

Kerry B.
on 11/22/13 8:08 pm

I am so sorry that there are so many people having to go through Band Hell. I remember people on here trying to warn me before I went in. I just blew them off because the happy bandsters would say the problems were rare and most people that were happy were out enjoying life not on the boards so much. I knew of someone that just had hers put in yesterday. A part of me felt like I should've warned her. Although sad, I didn't. I knew it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I wouldn't listen so why would I expect anyone else to. The thing that amazes me is most of the old timers that were on here when I first had mine 3 years ago have now had to revise as well. What does that say? Bands are so misrepresented, for one. 

Stephanie M.
on 11/20/13 10:35 am

Unfortunately compliance doesn't guarantee a complication free future.  There are so many of us who did everything by the book and still lost our bands....some of us cannot revise.  Sorry you're going thru this.  Please get your band out ASAP.  Best of luck to you!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Vivian Prouty
on 11/20/13 10:09 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Kerry I am so sorry that this happened to you.    You ARE a success.   You didn't fail the band...it failed you my friend.    I'm sure your surgeon whats it removed.    My suggestion is to have a revision to another WLS.     It is a shame that with the band you guys work SO hard ( not that the other surgeries don't work hard...but with the band it is almost like your doing it on your own ) that you can have major complications if they come.   Praying you can get this resolved really soon.   Please keep us updated on how you are doing.    Prayers coming your way.


Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


Karen R.
on 11/21/13 3:55 am - Peoria, AZ

I'm so sorry for your problems.I'm in the same boat. I never thought it would happen to me either even though I knew there could be problems. i'm having my band removed on Dec. 13.

Heres to a speedy recovery and wishing you well.


Kerry B.
on 11/22/13 11:53 am

Good Luck to You!

Kerry B.
on 11/22/13 11:50 am

Thanks Vivian.  You're right. It's like I've been on a diet this whole time. Looking back I think I lost my restriction early on. I am switching surgeons. Mine only put in bands and I'm definitely not going down this path again. I'm hoping to get a revision with my removal. 

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